Developing A Professional Presence Online Cindy Duffy Director, Area IV LTC
Developing Professionally Currently how are you collaborating with other professionals? Currently how are you collaborating with other professionals? How do you utilize your time online? How do you utilize your time online? How can you blend the two? How can you blend the two?
Personal – you design it for yourself Learning – it is about increasing your knowledge/changing your practices Network –structure that crosses at regular intervals & is knotted or secured at the crossings
Links can be found at -
Sites to help you organize and share
Symbaloo A free visual bookmarking site that gives you access to anything you bookmark from any computer by just clicking on a tile.
Diigo Social bookmarking website Organize your thoughts Tag – lists Highlight – sticky Share/learn with others Network Groups Community
Commonly used sites
Facebook Educators using Facebook Beginning Teachers ts&fref=ts ts&fref=ts ts&fref=ts Survival Guide for Beginning Primary Teachers Teachers?ref=ts&fref=ts Teachers?ref=ts&fref=ts Teachers?ref=ts&fref=ts Illinois New Teacher Collaborative Teacher-Collaborative/ ?ref=ts Teacher-Collaborative/ ?ref=ts Teacher-Collaborative/ ?ref=ts
Twitter #ntchat They meet Wednesdays, 7pm EST. @intc Used by people around the world. Twitter connects teacherss to thousands of educators around the world with rich backgrounds and experiences that can contribute to professional growth.
Pinterest Pinterest is a free virtual bulletin board where users pin videos and images captured from around the web. These images are then arranged into different categories on a user's board. Pins are also shared and searchable making thus Pinterest a great tool for virtual learning. Pins are also visible to other Pinterest users and one can easily see the board of others as well. INTC beginning teachers my PLN
Education Specific
Blogging edublogs
Live Binders Live Binders example
Edutopia at/new-teacher-support Find advice, resources, and strategies to support new teachers and help them improve their craft. bridges-first-years-practice Group for new teachers and veterans to connect
Teaching with Soul The New Teacher Mentoring Project was created by Lisa Dabbs, creator of #ntchat Purpose is to To collaborate and find best practices To mentor and support new/pre-service teachers in K-12 and higher education institutes of learning worldwide for online and offline learning. To use the New Teacher Mentoring project to help you navigate through your first few years of teaching with a virtual mentor. To use the New Teacher Mentoring project to help you navigate through your first few years of teaching with a virtual mentor. teacher-mentoring-project teacher-mentoring-project
Schoology Learning management system (LMS) and social network that makes it easy to create and share academic content
Teachers Net Teachers.Net was founded on the principle of allowing teacher-users to contribute the content and direct site development and to utilize the Internet to harness the collective intellect and wisdom of the worldwide teaching community ers/ ers/ ers/
What are you using?
Online Resources for Beginning Teachers Cindy Duffy Director Area IV LTC