Simon Wakeman Medway Council Local government and the mobile web
definition “access to the internet using a mobile device connected through a mobile network
definition “access to the internet using a mobile device connected through a mobile network
definition “access to the internet using a mobile device connected through a mobile network
definition “access to the internet using a mobile device connected through a mobile network
definition “access to the internet using a mobile device connected through a mobile network
"People are being misled by the advertising. You can't surf the net on a phone with a tiny screen." back in 2000 Mat Hanrahan, Bloor Research
enablers 3g networks cheaper data access familiar browsing experience
UK usage Source: Nielsen Online, November 2008
rapid growth Source: Nielsen Online, November 2008
marketers say… 3% 20% 39% 12% 26% 0%50%100% % marketers believe mobile will be integral to all marketing campaigns in year Source: IAB, 2008
age profile Source: Microsoft, 2008
gender Source: Microsoft, 2008
gender Source: Microsoft, 2008
mobile content Source: Nielsen Online, November 2008
PC-based internet = mobile internet
context 1.
context 1. What’s relevant for councils in this context?
access 2.
access 2. Text Medway to 33404
architecture 3.
architecture 3.
architecture 3. Max 5 categories Max 7-10 links in each Not too deep Priority to most popular content
design and content 4. Keep it simple Careful use of images Vertical lists the norm Access keys Vertical expansion
devices 5.
devices 5. handsets browsers screen resolution
the big debate One site or two sites?
the big debate One site or two sites? Single build Easier content management but… Rendering solution Content vs context Inappropriate design? purpose-created content and design for context but… Harder to maintain “Findability”
the final word USERS
+44 (0) twitter: simonwakeman any questions