Upgrade of the CSC Endcap Muon Port Card and Optical Links to CSCTF Mikhail Matveev Rice University 17 August 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Upgrade of the CSC Endcap Muon Port Card and Optical Links to CSCTF Mikhail Matveev Rice University 17 August 2012

2 MPC Upgrade Requirements n Be able to deliver all 18 trigger primitives from the EMU peripheral crate to the upgraded Sector Processor (currently, only 3 LCTs out of 18 are delivered) n Preserve sorting capabilities of the Muon Port Card n Preserve 3 “old” 1.6Gbps optical links to the present CSC Track Finder

3 Upgrade Developments n Use existing Muon Port Card main board - TMB interface remains unchanged (2 LCTs per 80MHz) - 3 “old” optical links are still available n First prototype ( ) was based on Virtex-5 FPGA - Expensive FPGA ($1610) - 12 external TLK2501 serializers - High power consumption - 2.4Gbps/channel data rate - one SNAP12 optical transmitter n Second prototype (2012) is based on Spartan-6 FPGA - Inexpensive FPGA ($280) - 8 embedded GTP serializers - 3.2Gbps/channel data rate - Modest power consumption - one SNAP12 optical transmitter

4 Spartan-6 Mezzanine

5 Old And New Mezzanines Installed Production MPC with Virtex-E mezzanine (2005) Upgrade prototype 1 Virtex-5 mezzanine (2011) Upgrade prototype 2 Spartan-6 mezzanine (2012)

6 Test Setup at UF

7 Status as of May 2012 ■ Three Spartan-6 mezzanines are installed on a spare production MPC boards; two of them are equipped with optical transmitter ■ Ran PRBS and FPGA-to-FPGA data transmission tests with SP10 VME Receiver at the University of Florida in April Board 1: - 2 channels out of 8 failed… soldering issue… fixed later - on remaining 6 channels: PRBS test OK, BER 100 m fiber) Random data patterns from FPGA to FPGA: ~66K iterations, 510 words each; no errors Board 2: - All 8 channels OK; PRBS transmission OK; Random data patterns from FPGA to FPGA: 1K iterations, 510 words each; no errors ■ Tested with 9 TMBs in the peripheral crate; same “safe window” as production board

8 Latency Measurements ■ Present MPC-to-SP system at CMS: 580 ns - TLK2501 Transmitter (1.6Gbps - 80MHz) ~23 ns m optical MMF fiber ~500 ns - TLK2501 Receiver (1.6Gbps - 80MHz) ~57 ns ■ New system (prototypes): 589 ns - Spartan-6 GTP Transmitter (3.2Gbps – 160MHz) ~20 ns (without Tx buffer, measured) m optical MMF fiber ~500 ns - Virtex-6 GTX receiver (3.2Gbps – 160MHz) ~69 ns (without Rx buffer, estimate)

9 Other Measurements ■ Power consumption: - Spartan-6 FPGA ~1A Vccint (1.2V) ~0.15A Vccaux+Vcco (3.3V) ~ 0.8A GTPs (1.2V) - 3 MIC69501 voltage regulators on a mezzanine board passed reactor irradiation test at TAMU in MPC (main board + Spartan-6 mezzanine) 3.3V

10 Production Cost Estimate Cost FPGA$280 SNAP12 Transmitter$600 Other components$300 Fabrication and Assembly, mezzanine $400 * Fabrication and Assembly, SNAP12 TR $80 * Total$1,660 ● Will need 80 mezzanines ($132,800) * Will have better estimates in 1..2 months

11 MPC Upgrade Plans ■ Proceed with the Spartan-6 pre-production prototype design - replace connector to optical plug-in card with more reliable one - minor schematic and layout fixes - complete schematic in September - produce and test 3 prototypes by December integration tests with the uTCA SP board: January-May proceed with another prototype if needed: June-August 2013 ■ Production, Installation and Commissioning - buy parts, fabricate PCBs: 1 November 2013 – 31 December assemble 80 mezzanine boards: 1-31 January tests boards at Rice (1 board/day): 1 February – 30 April ship to CERN: May install at CMS: 1 June – 31 July commissioning with the peripheral electronics and TF: 1 August – 30 October 2014

CSC MPC-to-SP Optical Fibers (1) n One 12-fiber MTP cord per EMU crate + one spare cord (MPO is a Multi-fiber Push-On connector; MTP is an enhanced version of MPO) n “MPO field terminated connector is still very uncommon and expensive. It requires skill, experience, and tool to terminate them in the field” ( response from n Our options: 1) Trunk cable similar to one proposed for the DT upgrade with 8 connectorized cords (off-the-shelf item). Quote from Oplink: $3,390 per piece (for 15 pcs). 2) Short MTP cable to patch panel, then single fibers (60 crates x 10 fibers (including spares) = 600 fibers, to be connectorized in the field) 12

DT Upgrade n Replace 3500 copper links with optical fibers from UXC to USC, for both Trigger and Data Readout n Plan to use Draka 96 fiber trunk cable with 8 MTP cords, 12 fibers each. Will need 60 trunk cables in total. Available through contract with CERN. Price 2600 CHF/cable. n Reports are here (including installation) The most up to date documentation about the DT upgrade during LS1 is here: -Information about the Draka OF trunk cables (purcahsed through CERN) themselves: -The path they will follow:

14 Draka Trunk Cable (from DT reports)

CSC MPC-to-SP Optical Fibers (2) n Need to submit an Installation request for optical links through the EDMS system - Type of fiber (MMF, OM3 type, 50/125 um core) - Number of fibers - Origin (Ouvrage, Equipment, Position, Element, Connector) - Destination (Ouvrage, Equipment, Position, Element, Connector) 15

Backup: MMF Types 16