Verona High School Block Scheduling Presentation Presented:May2007
Why this issue? Issue of schedule was brought up at an academic council meeting in 2006 Major problems with current schedule Question as to whether or not our current schedule was servicing our students to help meet their needs. What would be the best type of schedule for our students?
Overview Comparison Current Schedule New Schedule 43 minute periods minute periods 7 classes taken8 classes taken Student contact time with teacher Student contact time with constant throughout day teacher varies 43 minute lunch 50 minute lunch Designed for lecture format Designed for Differentiated Instruction Little common planning time More common planning time Activity Day disruptionNo Activity Day disruption Science lab for Honors level Potentially Science lab for all 7 Period changes 5 Period changes
Schools that use this schedule Cedar Grove Chatham Cresskill Dumont Emerson Montville Ridgewood
Problems with current schedule Science labs take students out of Physical Education and many electives Issue of credits when this occurs Lack of proper time for many of our clubs to meet, thus low participation Implementation of activity period Teachers meet students same time each day Lack of proper time for common planning amongst departments and cross discipline planning
Process of exploring schedules Research done using latest literature Research done via internet Ideas gathered by meeting with staff Ideas gathered by meeting with students High Schools visited: Montville (3 times), Dumont, Cedar Grove, Boonton Meeting with administration of all schools, plus Emerson Jr/Sr High School
Current Bell Schedule Period 1-8:00-8:46 Period 1-8:00-8:46 Period 2 8:49-9:37 Period 2 8:49-9:37 Period 3 9:40-10:26 Period 3 9:40-10:26 Period 4 10:29-11:14 Period 4 10:29-11:14 Period 5 11:17-12:02 Period 5 11:17-12:02 Period 6 12:05-12:50 Period 6 12:05-12:50 Period 7 12:53-1:37 Period 7 12:53-1:37 Period 8 1:40-2:26 Period 8 1:40-2:26
Proposed Bell Schedule Period A 8:00-8:50 Period A 8:00-8:50 Period B 8:53-9:43 Period B 8:53-9:43 Period C 9:46-10:46 Period C 9:46-10:46 Lunch 10:49-11:39 Lunch 10:49-11:39 Period D 11:42-12:42 Period D 11:42-12:42 Period E 12:45-1:35 Period E 12:45-1:35 Period F 1:38-2:28 Period F 1:38-2:28
Current Schedule vs. Proposed Schedule Current Proposed Current Proposed Period 1-8:00-8:46 Period A 8:00-8:50 Period 1-8:00-8:46 Period A 8:00-8:50 Period 2 8:49-9:37 Period B 8:53-9:43 Period 2 8:49-9:37 Period B 8:53-9:43 Period 3 9:40-10:26 Period C 9:49-10:49 Period 3 9:40-10:26 Period C 9:49-10:49 Period 4 10:29-11:14 Lunch 10:49-11:39 Period 4 10:29-11:14 Lunch 10:49-11:39 Period 5 11:17-12:02 Period D 11:42-12:42 Period 5 11:17-12:02 Period D 11:42-12:42 Period 6 12:05-12:50 Period E 12:45-1:35 Period 6 12:05-12:50 Period E 12:45-1:35 Period 7 12:53-1:37 Period F 1:38-2:28 Period 7 12:53-1:37 Period F 1:38-2:28 Period 8 1:40-2:26 Period 8 1:40-2:26
Time per year per class Old schedule: 7656 minutes or 126 hours New schedule: 6502 minutes or 108 Hours This does not include in the old schedule time lost for activity period or when students are pulled from a class for meetings or for appointments.
Benefits to be gained from switching schedules A new bell schedule will allow for instructional enhancement for the entire staff. Promotes a variety of instructional strategies that may be utilized, that currently cannot be utilized in our current schedule. Given the renovation of the science lab, this will allow for the increased use of the newly renovated science labs. Current traditional schedule was developed in the 1950’s and has not reflected the changes in culture and society. Increased teaching time within the class period.
Benefits continued By adopting the schedule, we will no longer have the practice of science labs taking away from the instructional time of other classes. Not only are the class periods lengthened, labs will be front and back loaded into the common lunch period. Instruction will be enhanced by both staff and students as they will be seeing each other at different times throughout the day. A common lunch times will allow for different activities throughout the lunch period. This will include extra help for students as well as meeting for clubs and committees. It will include the elimination of the Activity Period.
Benefits continued Teachers will have common free time which will allow for an increase in interdisciplinary lessons as well as differentiated instruction. Clubs that have suffered from low participation due to after school athletics will see an increase in participation as time can be used to meet during the common lunch period. Students will not have to be called out of class for appointments (including guidance and health issues) Student discipline issues have shown to decrease with this type of schedule. Schedule will have potential to explore International Baccalaureate program in our school.
Areas of concern with the new bell schedule Potential staffing issues- increase in periods, more courses would have to be offered. Potential staffing issues- increase in periods, more courses would have to be offered. Cafeteria duty. Cafeteria duty. Logistics during the lunch period. Logistics during the lunch period. Impact on community. Impact on community. Increased teaching time. Increased teaching time.
Rebuttals to Areas of Concern Different ways to handle supervision of the cafeteria are being explored. Different ways to handle supervision of the cafeteria are being explored. We have had preliminary discussions with Aramark, and they feel that they can handle the change. They currently have the Montville contract. We have had preliminary discussions with Aramark, and they feel that they can handle the change. They currently have the Montville contract. We have brought in staff and administration from various schools to provide strategies to use the time in an appropriate manner. We have brought in staff and administration from various schools to provide strategies to use the time in an appropriate manner.
Questions students may have Will seniors still be allowed to go out to lunch? Yes. Will seniors still be allowed to go out to lunch? Yes. Will any other students be allowed out lunch? No. Will any other students be allowed out lunch? No. Will there be additional electives provided? Yes, many are planned for the future. Will there be additional electives provided? Yes, many are planned for the future.
Proposed rotation of blocks Day 1Day 2 Day 1Day LunchLunch LunchLunch Periods 4&8 Drop Periods 3&7 Drop Periods 4&8 Drop Periods 3&7 Drop
continued Day 3Day 4 Day 3Day LunchLunch LunchLunch Periods 2&6 Drop Periods 1&5 Drop Periods 2&6 Drop Periods 1&5 Drop
continued Half Day Schedule Half Day Schedule Homeroom:7:54-7:57 Homeroom:7:54-7:57 18:00-8:28 18:00-8:28 28:31-8:59 28:31-8:59 39:02-9:30 39:02-9:30 49:33-10:01 49:33-10:01 510:04-10:32 510:04-10:32 610:35-11:03 610:35-11:03 711:06-11:34 711:06-11:34 811:37-12:05 811:37-12:05
continued Delayed Opening Schedule Homeroom:10:00-10:03 110:06-10:42 210:45-11:21 311:24-12:00 Lunch12:00-12:30 512:33-1:08 61:11-1:47 71:50-2:26 The rotation of days will not be affected by a delayed opening.
Evaluation of new schedule At the end of the first year we will review content coverage versus the current school year to ensure that proper pacing is maintained. We will also ask the staff to use the same mid- term and final exams so that we may evaluate the cognitive outcomes compared to the current year. There will be an administrative report at the end of the first year to make a full evaluation of the new schedule.
Conclusions That Verona High School would benefit greatly from a new bell schedule. The schedule that would best work for Verona High School is the modified rotating block schedule that is used by Montville High School The schedule will be modified to resemble the schedule that Cedar Grove High School uses. A formal recommendation will be made to the Verona Board of Education in May of 2007.