Inaugural Meeting of the RBM Partnership Working Group on Insecticide Treated Netting Materials Terms of Reference Mohammadou Kabir Cham HTM/RBM
Functions Functions Facilitate consensus on strategic issues for “going to scale” with ITNs Facilitate consensus on strategic issues for “going to scale” with ITNs Synthesize knowledge and disseminate best practices Synthesize knowledge and disseminate best practices Provide support to RBM Partnership and partners Provide support to RBM Partnership and partners Facilitate support to RBM inter-country inter-agency networks Facilitate support to RBM inter-country inter-agency networks Facilitate relevant operational research Facilitate relevant operational research
Functions Support capacity building Support capacity building Contribute to ITN monitoring Contribute to ITN monitoring Create linkages with other WGs, and across other programmes, and partners Create linkages with other WGs, and across other programmes, and partners Promote public-private partnerships for the provision of nets and insecticides Promote public-private partnerships for the provision of nets and insecticides
Membership Core Group Countries 6 Countries 6 Academics 4 Academics 4 Multilaterals (WHO, TDR, UNICEF, WB) 7 Multilaterals (WHO, TDR, UNICEF, WB) 7 Bilaterals (USA, UK, Others) 5 Bilaterals (USA, UK, Others) 5 NGOs (PSI, CORE, local) 3 NGOs (PSI, CORE, local) 3 Private sector (nets, insecticides, distributors)3 Private sector (nets, insecticides, distributors)3 Projects (Malaria Consortium, NetMark, etc.) 3 Projects (Malaria Consortium, NetMark, etc.) 3 Other technical experts 2 Other technical experts 2
Membership Other sub-groups (“satellite” groups) on an ad hoc basis to address identified critical strategic, programmatic and technical issues on an ad hoc basis to address identified critical strategic, programmatic and technical issues an outside consultant or expert on an ad hoc basis an outside consultant or expert on an ad hoc basis
Structure A chairperson proposed by the membership at a WG meeting and endorsed by the RBM Partnership Board A chairperson proposed by the membership at a WG meeting and endorsed by the RBM Partnership Board A small secretariat to facilitate its functions A small secretariat to facilitate its functions A full-time co-ordinator and support staff A full-time co-ordinator and support staff
Method of Work Core Group to meet once a year Core Group to meet once a year Conference calls and other means of communication Conference calls and other means of communication Satellite Groups to meet on an ad hoc basis Satellite Groups to meet on an ad hoc basis Work of the WG to be an ongoing process Work of the WG to be an ongoing process
Guiding Principles Chairperson and WG secretariat following consultations with WG Core Group to make decisions on activities and initiatives Chairperson and WG secretariat following consultations with WG Core Group to make decisions on activities and initiatives Contributions and needs-based requests to be also encouraged from potential beneficiaries of WG functions Contributions and needs-based requests to be also encouraged from potential beneficiaries of WG functions Emphasis to be made on proactive management of all key ITN issues to facilitate the global agenda for ITNs Emphasis to be made on proactive management of all key ITN issues to facilitate the global agenda for ITNs
Guiding Principles Convocation/Notification of Meetings Ordinary meetings to be convened by the RBM Partnership Secretariat Ordinary meetings to be convened by the RBM Partnership Secretariat Any member of the WG or even outside stakeholders can call special/emergency meetings on the basis of clearly identified needs Any member of the WG or even outside stakeholders can call special/emergency meetings on the basis of clearly identified needs Definition of Quorum At least two-thirds of the WG core group members with representation from all constituencies including the chairperson for decisions to be endorsed At least two-thirds of the WG core group members with representation from all constituencies including the chairperson for decisions to be endorsed Meeting Report Preparation and Distribution WG secretariat with WG chairperson and Core Group members WG secretariat with WG chairperson and Core Group members
Guiding Principles Funding Resources for the functioning of the WG to be mobilized by the RBM Partnership Secretariat Resources for the functioning of the WG to be mobilized by the RBM Partnership Secretariat On an ad hoc basis and with written agreement of both the WG chairperson and secretariat, independent funding can be sought for specific activities On an ad hoc basis and with written agreement of both the WG chairperson and secretariat, independent funding can be sought for specific activities
Implementation & Monitoring of WG Decisions WG secretariat will carry out regular monitoring of all activities carry out regular monitoring of all activities provide a monthly update to the WG core group to ensure an effective implementation of the WG decisions, and provide a monthly update to the WG core group to ensure an effective implementation of the WG decisions, and prepare and distribute meeting reports prepare and distribute meeting reports RBM Partnership Secretariat organize meetings; prepare agenda and relevant documents in consultation with WG secretariat and chairperson organize meetings; prepare agenda and relevant documents in consultation with WG secretariat and chairperson follow-up recommendations of WG, and manage resources provided for its functioning follow-up recommendations of WG, and manage resources provided for its functioning