Application and assessment of Canadian air quality models in Quebec Region Project team: Gilles Morneau Nedka Pentcheva Jeff Brook Véronique Bouchet/Louis-Philippe Crevier Mid Term review, Toronto, Oct 2004
Workplan Simulations of episodes with AURAMS redone since last year after corrections of emissions data and model June 2001 29 July-4 August 2001 CHRONOS (with hetv) runs still to be done Analysis of GEM/AURAMS results vs measurements under way
Measurement sites
Model configuration GEM: Force-restore surface scheme Horizontal resolution of fine grid 24 km AURAMS Horizontal resolution of grid: 21km Pseudo-1995 anthropogenic emissions Biogenic emissions with CEPS dataset
Results PM 2.5 mass 5 NAPS sites June and 29 July-4 August 2001 2 STIFS sites 29 July-3 August 2001 Carbon 2 STIFS sites Inorganic ions 2 STIFS sites and CAPMoN sites
Total mass (PM 2.5 ) STIFS St. Anicet
Total mass (PM 2.5 ) STIFS Egbert
Total mass (PM 2.5 ) NAPS Montreal sites
Total mass (PM 2.5 ) NAPS Eastern sites
Carbon at St. Anicet (STIFS)
Carbon at Egbert (STIFS)
Ions at St. Anicet (STIFS)
Ions at Egbert (STIFS)
Ions at Sutton (CAPMoN)
Ions at Chalk River (CAPMoN)
Summary STIFS data allowed us to analyse night time models behavior Underestimation of OC in AURAMS EC: good order of magnitude Underestimation of sulphate on polluted days Too much accumulation of ammonium nitrate at night under high pressure systems near major urban centres
Next steps CHRONOS runs for same episodes Continue analysis with STIFS and CAPMoN data Examine GEM, AURAMS and emission rates Model simulations for July 2001?
Acknowledgement NAPS data provided by Ministère de l’environnement du Québec STIFS data provided by Jeff Brook CAPMoN data provided by Dave MacTavish Constant support from AQMAG at CMC
Nitrate events urban areas
Nitrate and nitric acid