Objective: Students will learn about PSAs and their purpose. Bellwork: How affected are you by peer pressure, in what area of your life does peer pressure.


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Presentation transcript:

Objective: Students will learn about PSAs and their purpose. Bellwork: How affected are you by peer pressure, in what area of your life does peer pressure affect you the most?

 2 minutes!  Turn to your elbow partner and discuss what is a public service announcement  Try to think of one PSA that you can remember seeing.

 A public service announcement (PSA) or public service ad is a type of advertisement featured on television, radio, print or other media. Whereas the objective of a standard advertisement is to market a product, a PSA is intended to benefit the public interest, by raising awareness of an issue, affecting public attitudes, and potentially stimulating action.

 Egg #1 Anti-Drug PSA (Early 80s)  Egg #2 Anti-Drug PSA (Late 90s)  The Pride of Silence: Anti-Bullying PSA  Tolerance PSA

You will work in groups to select a PSA (Public Service Announcement) topic. I will tell you how to find your group You will have the 25 minutes write/script your PSA Announcement. Each member of your group MUST have a speaking role. Your Group Scripts will be turned in at the end of class. At the end of the time you will ACT Out/Present your PSA to the class.

 At the beginning of class I gave each of you a stick with a colored number on it.  For this activity you need to find the other classmates who have the same COLOR on their stick, these are your partners.  I will start the timer for your presentations now so you need to find your group quickly so you don’t waste your work time.

Drunk Driving Bullying Drug Use Anorexia Racism Homosexuality Suicide Prevention Alcohol Abuse Family Violence Abstinence Pollution/Littering Sexual Harassment Stay in School Runaway Eating Healthy Abusive Relationships Texting while Driving

 You WILL be quiet, awake, attentive, and respectful while your classmates are presenting their PSA.  After the PSA we will have a short discussion about:  What was the message of the PSA?  Was the message clear?  What could they have done to improve the message of the PSA?