Photosynthesis Lab Ms. Klinkhachorn January 14, 2010
Lab Objectives To explain and observe photosynthesis using spinach leaves To understand the methods and tools used in a simple experiment
Purpose Question What will happen to the spinach discs when they are exposed to light?
Background Info and Research Questions 1.What is the definition of photosynthesis? 2.What kind of organism does photosynthesis? 3.What organelle is responsible for doing photosynthesis? 4.Write out the equation for photosynthesis. Identify the starting materials and the products. 5.How do the starting materials usually get into the plant?
Hypothesis I think ____ is going to happen because ____. (use what you know about photosynthesis help you. THINK.)
Materials Heat lamp Water/Baking Soda/Soap solution Spinach leaves Hole-punch Ruler Foil Cups Syringe Paper towels Timer Tape
Procedures 1.Collect materials. 2.Observe and draw spinach in detail. 3.Punch out 20 spinach discs using hole-punch. 4.Put 10 discs into syringe barrel. 5.Fill syringe with enough solution to cover discs. 6.Hold finger over tip of syringe and pull back on the plunger (not all the way). Release finger and repeat until no discs are floating.
Procedures Continued 7.Empty discs into cup. 8.Fill cup with solution. 9.Repeat steps 4-8, expect put foil over this cup immediately. 10.Set cups 1 foot away from the bottom of the lamp. 11.Turn lamp on and start timer.
Procedures Continued 12. Record the number of floating discs in each cup after each minute that passes until all 10 discs are floating in the cup with no foil. 13. Observe leaf discs in the solution in both cups. What evidence do you see of photosynthesis? What is different about the leaves in each cup? 14. Turn lamp off. Empty cups into sink. Throw away spinach. Clean tables and put supplies back.
Data Observations and drawing of spinach Data table