Dealing with Writer’s Block
Times Writer’s Block Tends to Occur When starting to compose a piece of writing On reaching transition points in the piece When returning to the piece after a break When trying to finish polishing the piece
Some Causes of Writer’s Block Insufficient information Insufficient formulation of ideas Moral, emotional, or other conflicts about the writing task Intimidation by the size of the writing project Fear that the written product will be poorly received
Accordingly, Some Strategies
Formulating Ideas While gathering information, jot down items such as points to make and possible wordings; then draw on this bank of ideas. Become familiar with the material, and then turn your attention elsewhere. Then ideas may come to mind. Put yourself under deadline pressure if you work best that way.
Formulating Ideas (cont) Brainstorm, and jot your ideas down in a concept map. Then prepare an outline. Use whatever aids you find useful in organizing (for example, index cards, various colors of highlighters, outlining programs). Write initially in the form you’re most comfortable with (for example, letter, memo, popular article, message). Talk it out (in person or into a voice recorder).
Overcoming Intimidation Realize that you’re writing to communicate, not to have your writing judged. Remember, you need not be a good writer— just a good rewriter. Break a writing task into manageable pieces. Start with whatever part of the writing project you find easiest. Be satisfied with mere excellence.
Maintaining Momentum To avoid getting bogged down searching for missing information, put in a placeholder (for example, “insert number”) and keep going. If you must stop while writing something, don’t do so at a “logical stopping place.” If you’re interrupted, before responding write down some phrases to help you resume your train of thought.
Other Set aside specific times to write. Also find a place where you can write without distraction. Just start writing. (One approach: Set a timer for 15 minutes, and let ideas pour out without editing. Perhaps turn down the contrast on your computer screen.) If appropriate, modify the writing task. If all else fails, bribe yourself.