Why the quarter system? College age population increases by 65% from due to the baby boom Many universities switch to quarter system to accommodate higher enrollment Quarters were not viewed as a superior system for learning
Pros and Cons of the Quarter System
Pros – The Quarter System Greater course variety Easier to switch majors or double major Undesirable courses finish quicker Allows for more prerequisites before entering a major
Cons – The Quarter System Less student time for out-of-class preparation less time for assessing student work Many textbooks designed for semester system ;chapters skipped Unable to go in-depth in the subject
Semester system at UO 1973 – The University of Oregon Law school switches to the semester system from quarter system Chapin Clark, former UO Law School Dean “Transition was a great success” UO Law school remains on Semester
Semester system at UO 1977 – University committee established to research advantages and disadvantages of semester system at UO Council of Deans votes 18 to 0 with 3 abstentions to recommend UO to switch to semester
Support “The new (semester) system has been in operation for five years with no complaints.” – Villanova University 1980 “The students and faculty are well pleased with this change.” – The University of Colorado “I feel that it has been a great success here, and I certainly recommend it to any institution for its adoption.” – University of Kansas
National Trend Currently 90% of American Universities are on the semester system Several more universities are in the process of switching University of Cincinnati, The Ohio State University, Cal State LA
The Vehicle? The Semester System