8/4~8/9 Work H.Y.Huang
8/4 Improve VB program to resolve that the counter recording numbers turn to we want
8/5 Create signals to probe the Timer/Counter resolution : 1.Using Gate/Delay Generator 2.Singal width = 20ns 3.Start→Stop time : 1us~0.2us 4.One series singal to next series singal : 1ms 5.Timer/Counter recyclel : 0.01s
8/5 Create signals method : 1.Trigger1 → 2 ; Trigger2 → 1 2.Prolong between two series singals time : Using original singals to create singals,then coincidence and original singals
8/5 Some Trouble 1.The Gate/Delay Generator minmum is 0.1us,two generator create singals,so minimum between two singals time is 0.2us
8/5 2.The singals are unstable Solve : Using original singals to create another Gate,then using the gate to create
8/6 Solving minimum 0.2us 1.Using two original singals,one is standard, another using to delay singal original singal → → delay singal
8/6 Data Start→Stoptime(us) singals→singals(ms) events real event
8/7 Using Timer/Counter measure total singals : 1.Time : 1min 2.Between two singals time : 0.2us 3.Counts : 60/(0.2*10^-6)=3*10^8 No recycle : 3.3*10^8 0.01s recycle : 4.7*10^7 Predict losing : 3*10^6
8/9 4th muon lifetime experiment take counts Time : 63 hours Singal width : 20ns 5th muon lifetime experiment take counts Time : 13 hours Singal width : 10ns
8/9 63hr Unit : 0.5us
8/9 63hr Unit : 1.0us
8/9 63hr Unit : 0.5us Cancel < 0.5us
8/9 13hr Unit : 0.5us
8/9 13hr Unit : 1.0us