Growth Mindset Family Game Night Ages 12+
How do I play? Welcome to Growth Mindset Family Game Night! This game is full of fun and you’re simultaneously learning, it doesn’t get much better! You’ll need a minimum of 7 players, but you can play with much more. Split into groups, you’ll need one person to be the host. The role of the host is to keep track of points from each group and keep the teams on track while they are completing their brain activities and check their work once complete.
How do I play? (cont.) Print out the brain activities and cut them out onto small slips of paper and number them 1-6, place into bowl/pot and put into middle of both groups. Groups take turns rolling the dice, choose the corresponding activity based on the number rolled. Each group will follow the directions provided on the activity and use their buzzer/noise maker to inform the host once they’ve completed it.
Objectives: Complete the brain activities successfully in order to grow and strengthen your brain, which is the key to achieving a growth mindset. The first team to correctly complete the activity receives the corresponding amount of points. The team with the most points wins! (Prize optional)
What you’ll need: DiceTimer Buzzer/noise maker (one per group) Bowl Paper, pen, sticky notes Blind fold Printed out activities (provided on the following slides) Prize for winning team (optional)
Brian Activity: Name Your Colors Let’s challenge your ability to focus. Choose one member from your group to read the out loud the color that the word is printed in, not the word itself. The group that successfully completes this receives (5pts). If both groups complete it successfully, choose another team member from each group for a tie breaker.
Brian Activity: Twitter-Style Are you up for a creative verbal challenge? Choose a team member from each group to write a short story, using ONLY 7 words!!! The group that successfully completes this first receives (10pts).
Brian Activity: DomiNOT Using your non-dominate hand to complete a task helps build new connections between your brain cells. Each member, from each team will need to write their full name down legibly using their non-dominate hand. The first group to successfully complete this task will receive (5pts) *Extra challenge: if “twitter-style” activity is already completed ask the group to write down their 7-word story using their non-dominate hand.
Brian Activity: Whooo are you? The game night host will take a sticky note and write down the name of someone (ex: President Obama or Lady Gaga). Choose a person that the group would be knowledgeable about, but still tough for them to figure out. Place the sticky notes on the foreheads of one member from each group. The remaining members need to describe the person without saying their name to the person wearing the sticky note until they guess. Each team will do this simultaneously, while the host puts 3 minutes on the timer. Once name is revealed the host will provide a new sticky note with a new name to someone else on the team. The team who guesses the most names in 3 minutes receives (10pts)
Brian Activity: I’m COUNTING on you The host will choose a representative from each team to complete some simple math problems. The team to complete the math problems in under 2 minutes wins (5pts). Optional challenge: have each member of each group complete the math problems one after another in under 3 minutes. Winning group receives (10pts).
Brian Activity: Black-out Improve your memory function with this fun activity! The host will choose one member from each team to blind fold. Once blind folded they will need to identify 10 objects in the room, only by using their memory! The group to identify 10 objects in 60 seconds receives (10pts).
BONUS ROUND (OPTIONAL) Selfie-Memory Let’s test that visual memory in this selfie bonus round! The host will choose one member from each team to go first, each member will have a turn. The host will hold up an image (provided on next slide, for 10 sec. The team member will then need to write down everything they remember from the image e.x.: a red couch, a blue lamp, etc. The team that collectively has the most correct items receives (15pts.)
Use just one image per round of team members: