AP Test: The Open Essay Rapert/AP Lit
Style of question Essay on a theme provided using support from your won reading Often considered the most difficult question YOU MUST STUDY and PREPARE AHEAD of TIME Use all techniques I’ve shown: Idea machine, classic question, etc Choose at least two substantial works
What AP wants from you and type of themes: They want to see if you can analyze a long work you’ve read previously Open essay is truly OPEN and broad Types of themes: Discuss the function of a character who does not appear or appears only briefly in a novel, and yet is significant to the work. Discuss the function of a character who serves as the main character’s sympathetic confidant Discuss a scene or character that provokes “thoughtful laughter” Discuss a novel or play in which much of the “action” occurs internally, within the consciousness of the characters. Discuss the use of contrasting settings within a novel.
Advice on themes and preparation: Themes are very broad Can be applied to many different works Key is to choose the right work for the theme given KNOW AT LEAT TWO MAJOR WORKS EXTRAORDINARILY WELL KNOW A THIRD SHORTER WORK OR PLAY **READ THEM AGAIN REWRITE NOTES STUDY LITERARY CRITICISMS
Choosing your works Must be recognized classics or of literary merit Must be rich in incident and form Choose varied works If you choose Hamlet, do not also choose Mac Beth If you choose Dickens, also choose a modern work Balance between tragedy and comedy, women and men Novellas (Metamorphosis) and plays work for third choices
Write the first paragraph of your essay Ask the classic question: What literary devices (imagery, tone, point of view, plot, etc.) does the author use to convey his themes? Ask: What does the work mean? Ask: What was the emotional impact of the work? How was it achieved? Do an intro paragraph on these issues for each work. Doing so will make actual test day much easier.
Recall the idea machine: 1. What is the meaning of the work? What is the literal, face-value meaning of the work? What is the feeling evoked by the work? 2. How does the author get that meaning across? What are the important images in the work and what do they suggest? What specific words or phrases produce the strongest feelings? What elements are in opposition (contrast or conflict)?
Begin preparation NOW!!!!