Transport ABRPlus in Transport HLG on Administrative Burden 30 January 2014
Transport ABRPlus in Transport 3 Actions have been selected: Tachograph (ABRPlus 10) Transport Tariffs (ABRPlus 11) Road Haulage (ABRPlus 12)
Transport ABRPlus 10 - Tachograph OBJECTIVE of the Tachograph Improve road safety and working conditions Harmonise the conditions of competition between inland modes; Improved monitoring and enforcement
Transport ABRPlus 10 - Tachograph Tachograph revisions: 2006: digital tachograph introduced 2009: simplification of the use 2014: remote access – GNSS – exemptions – scope ABRPlus focus on implemented changes (2006 / 2009)
Transport ABRPlus 10 – Tachograph (2006) Replacing the analogue with a digital tachograph (Reg 561/2006): 286 million € savings (estimated) Major technological update, facilitating the recording of driving times Administrative burden of filling in a paper tacho-card for every trip is made redundant by the introduction of the driver card Only mandatory for new vehicles – existing analogue machines stay in service
Transport ABRPlus 10 – Tachograph (2009) Simplifying the use of the digital tachograph (Reg 1266/2009): 234 million € savings (estimated) Minute recording (better rounding of started minute) Can "save" a driver up to 45 min of time (in case of frequent stops) Improved "attestation form" (non-activity)
Transport ABRPlus 10 – Tachograph (results) MS have been asked both by SG and DG MOVE to provide input and evaluate the estimated figures from the IA on a national level Preliminary result: 18 MS replied; 4 MS (AT – DE – DK – NL) provided a figure, totalling 44.8 million € Extrapolation to EU 27 (based on n° of trucks and buses) : 317 million € (203 million short) Estimate based on full digitalisation of fleet 2012: only 56% of the fleet equipped with DT
Transport ABRPlus 10 – Tachograph (2014) Further simplification to be adopted in 2014 (in the weeks to come) Remote access: more efficient enforcement GNSS: automatic registration of place of departure Broader national use of exceptions: Scope: non-professional drivers (<7.5T km radius) no longer in scope of Regulation (small craft) If distance would be > 100 km, driving becomes to much of the main activity: leads to > 200 km travelled per day – 3 to 4 hours driving "Attestation form" no longer required
Transport ABRPlus 10 – Tachograph (2014) Original estimated saving of the IA: 515 million € Final agreement: 415 million €
Transport ABRPlus 11 – Transport tariffs OBJECTIVE: abolition of discrimination in transport rates and conditions Original Regulation 11 (1960) Amended by Regulation(EC) 569/2008 No longer transport tariff notifications Simplification of documentary evidence No longer necessary to keep special document Scope: road, rail and inland waterways
Transport ABRPlus 11 – Transport tariffs (results) Impact assessment estimated a total of million € reduction Both MS and sector associations have been consulted Preliminary results: no quantification 11 MS: have not provided any figure (lack of baseline - …) 3 sector associations (CER – IRU – ESO) have not been able to witness the burden reduction REFIT ?
Transport ABRPlus 12 – Road transport operators OBJECTIVE: ensuring fair conditions of competition in road transport with common rules on admission to the occupation of road transport operator (haulage and passengers) Introduction of national electronic registers and connecting these (ERRU) Common format for Community licenses (10 years) Harmonised requirements for establishment
Transport ABRPlus 12 – Road transport operators State of play: ERRU is not yet fully implemented 10 MS are connected 6 MS are about to connect 12 remaining are under scrutiny and face infringement Community license in use Harmonised requirements in place
Transport ABRPlus 12 – Road transport operators (results) Impact assessment estimated an annual saving of 34.9 million € Preliminary result: 17 MS replied, though most of them could not provide a precise figure DE: claims 2 million expenses to set up the electronic register; does not identify any real adminatrative savings SE: identifies a saving of SK ( €) UK: 10.9 million € savings (over 10 years) but 6,2 million € costs leaving net savings of 4.7 million €
Transport Experience with ABRPlus DG MOVE is committed to administrative burden reduction DG MOVE is convinced that the concepts and decisions related to ABR lead to less administrative burden for companies The replies do indicate that there has been a reduction of administrative burden But… often it is very difficult to assess the concrete and precise monetary value of these simplifications Often because MS have not put in place dispositions to calculate this (statistical evidence / baselines / …)
Transport Experience with ABRPlus A precise monetary outcome of ABR is especially difficult because… In the IA one can only estimate the potential impact of a (series of) specific measure(s), based on available data and a series of presumptions and scenarios IA cannot foresee the negotiations and the IA is not revised by either EP or Council MS do not provide the required data to come to precise estimations (for the IA) or exact evaluations of the effect of the measures Due to lack of evidence and/or harmonised methodology MS are not always obliged to report back to the Commission
Transport Conclusions MS should be encouraged to share with the Commission correct and detailed figures to both estimate potential effects and monitor the implementation Not all MS seem to pay equal attention to this challenge