TIME SQUARE METHOD SickNot Sick Difficult+++++ Not DifficultNeutral--
USING THE TIME SQUARE Estimate the visit length within the first seconds of the encounter Use the time estimate to either prepare a longer agenda and/or engage in “ limit setting ” Give the patients the time they NEED Remember the majority of patients are not “ difficult ”
PRE-ROUNDING Use time wisely: sickest/new/dc patients first Copy previous days note and *** things you need to change Let your note write itself: template collects vitals/labs for you vs. only collect sig vit/lab/etc. Start to-do list (AM labs/ daily note/ sign-outs/ important PE follow up) Refresh note before rounds to include AM labs Collect thoughts (big picture vs details), or read a little, for assessment and plan
ROUNDING Set an agenda (sickest/new/dc patients first) Open note and finish while discussing Double screen ‘Sign’ as you finish each patient Write orders while rounding Or have your attending write the orders Call consults during rounds Pager/phone list on badge or open Scoop nearby Update to-do list (red pen or * important) Discharge med rec’s while with an attending
AFTERNOONS Free for procedures, discharges, admissions, family conferences, more detailed history, update sign-out notes Sign-out at to HO/ICU resident at 5:00!! Find a quiet space to finish up without distractions Go home! The longer you are in the hospital… the longer you are in the hospital
GENERAL Make a Schedule: and stick to it! Batch your activities Delayed gratification system Systematic approach Organize your workspace (protopage.com) Complete dc summaries the day of discharge (dictate!) Delegate/ask for help/let someone know if you are struggling! Minimize interruptions (screen pages/quiet space for notes/rounds) Self care: exercise, sleep, eat, etc. Finish every activity you start Call translator service on your cell while walking to pt room Keep asking “is this the most efficient thing?”