Karen Brewer 5 th GRADE MATH
Agenda Students copy down every day Edmodo All homework & assessments and/or phone Parent Portal (grades) Conferences* Newsletter (online)
GRADING ACADEMIC Summative Assessments (4-6 per quarter) Retake Policy Ticket on 5 th Grade website Retakes given during Instructional Focus Higher of two test grades is recorded Formative Assessments BEHAVIOR Exemplary Successful Progressing Will not be featured on report card Does Not Meet
Almost everyday Monday-Thursday Not graded (but will contribute to on report card) None before night of assessment but… Absent? Please all three teachers for work that was missed
*Order of Operation and Whole Numbers (4 weeks) *Decimals: Place value, addition, subtraction and rounding (4) *Multiply and Divide with Decimals (2) *Fractions: Add, subtract, multiply and divide (9) *Geometry and Coordinate Graphing (2) *Two Dimensional Figures (2) *Volume and Measurement (6)
Online textbooks IXL.com Instructional Focus “Math Mondays” during recess Early Math Help Tuesday & Thursday 6:45-7:10
Thanks for coming tonight! Sharon Elementary: Home of the Knights