NCAR Undergraduate Leadership Workshop. What is NCAR?  National Center for Atmospheric Research  Located in Boulder Colorado  Managed by University.


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Presentation transcript:

NCAR Undergraduate Leadership Workshop

What is NCAR?  National Center for Atmospheric Research  Located in Boulder Colorado  Managed by University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)  63 Universities, Iowa State one of them

What NCAR Does  Conduct research on many topics  Atmospheric Chemistry  Climate  Cloud physics and storms  Weather hazards to aviation  Interactions between sun and earth.

NCAR Funding  Get funding from  National Science Foundation (NSF)  NOAA  NASA  U.S. Departments of Defense and Energy  FAA

ULW Purpose  Informing students about the potential for exciting research and career opportunities in the atmospheric and related sciences.  The five-day program establishes informal dialogue between students and research scientists as they explore laboratories, instrumentation, and computing facilities that support studies on weather, climate change, solar dynamics, the Sun-Earth system, and the impacts of severe weather and climate change on societies around the world.

Model of Leadership  Kevin Droegemeier  Director of Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms at University of Oklahoma  Distinguished between leader and manager:  Manager controls  Leader motivates

Presenters Cont.  Tim Killeen,  Director of NCAR  Discussed NCAR research  Richard Anthens  President on UCAR  Discussed leadership and collaboration in the university community

Presenters Cont.  Gerry Meehl  Scientist in Climate and Global Dynamics Division Climate and Global Dynamics Division  Climate change, and current research  Scientists from Atmospheric Chemistry Division Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Presenters Cont.  Al Cooper  Scientist and Director, Advanced Studies ProgramAdvanced Studies Program  Tim Spangler  Director, Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education, and Training (COMET),Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education, and Training (COMET)

Presenters Cont.  Bob Gall  Lead Scientist, US Weather Research Program, Division Director, Microscale and Mesoscale Meteorology,Microscale and Mesoscale Meteorology  Bob Harris  Division Director, Environmental and Societal Impacts Group,Environmental and Societal Impacts Group

Presenters Cont.  Roberta Johnson  Director, UCAR Office of Education and Outreach and Scientist, High Altitude Observatory, NCARUCAR Office of Education and Outreach  Scientist from High Altitude Observatory High Altitude Observatory  David Carlson  Division Director, Atmospheric Technology,Atmospheric Technology