Geosciences Atmosphere Ocean Earth Integrated Programs Section Marine Geosciences Section Oceans Section Divisions: Sections: ODPMGG Programs: Directorate: NSF/GEO and MARGINS MARGINS Deep Earth Processes $0.4M $ M
ODP: Deborah Smith (WHOI) replaced Rodey Batiza, USSSP, MARGINS ODP: Kevin Mandernack (Colorado School of Mines) replaced Kevin Johnson, ODP Grants Personnel - OCE Geosciences Ocean Marine Geosciences Section Division: Sections: ODP MGG Programs: Directorate: Tim Killeen, Assistant Director Julie Morris, Division Director of OCE Rodey Batiza, Section Head MGG: Bil Haq responsible for MARGINS program MGG: Rick Carlson (TAMU) replaced Adam Schulz MGG: Candace Major replaced Howie Spero
Personnel - EAR Geosciences Earth Deep Earth Processes Division: Section: Program: Directorate: Tim Killeen, Assistant Director Robert Detrick, (WHOI) Division Director of EAR, November 1, 2008 Dave Lambert, Section Head Petrology and Geochemistry William Leeman, responsible for MARGINS
Reminder: OCE = MGS + IPS + OS Bob Houtman (ONR) is new Section Head of Integrative Programs Section (IPS) IPS: Dolly Dieter has retired, Jim Holik (Raytheon) and Matt Hawkins (U Delaware) are new program officers IPS: Brian Midson has transferred from MGG to IPS Personnel – Integrated Programs Section, Ships, facilities, education
NSF-MARGINS submissions for 2008 OCE and EAR contribute to MARGINS: Typically, $4.5 - $5.5M per panel. In OCE, ODP is the prime contributor. Reminder: ODP pays for ship time and Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) costs associated with any ODP funded proposal 37 proposals will be considered at the panel next month 2009: Proposals will be accepted for the next cycle, but beyond that will depend on the results of the program review.