A GENDA Introduction Customer Needs Assessment External Search Engineering Specifications System Level Design Project Management Risk Analysis Conclusion
I NTRODUCTION The Angel Wings Bike Seat is a unique two padded bike seat that moves with the rider. When a bike user rides a bike for over 20 minutes on a traditional bicycle seat, he or she starts to experience discomfort. The Angel Wings Bike Seat is the only two padded bike seat that moves with the rider’s body. The patented seat supports the torso with the first pad moving forward while the other moves backwards on the down pedal stroke.
P ROBLEM S TATEMENT The initial problem is that the Angel Wings Bike Seat is not ready for launch. Final component designs need to be made. Requests for manufacturing quotations need to be made. Options for kitting and packaging need to be considered.
C USTOMER N EEDS A SSESSMENT AHP Pairwise Comparison Chart to Determine Weighting for Main Objective Categories
E XTERNAL S EARCH – P ATENTS First bi-saddle seat invented around Hinged mechanism where the movement of one saddle forced the other saddle into the opposite direction The most recent patent was introduced in Since then there hasn’t been any major improvements to bi-saddle bicycle seats.
E XTERNAL S EARCH – E XISTING P RODUCTS Currently there are numerous bi saddle seats in the market, but none have been successful. CriteriaSpiderflexSpongy Wonder Easyseat II Bisaddle Seat Angel Wings Cost$110.00$70.00$59.95$155.00$220.00* Safety76657 Ease of use67877 Ergonomic s 86788
E NGINEERING S PECIFICATIONS Find proper type of material to use for seat padding Conduct a cost analysis on how much it would cost to manufacture a certain number of seats (10, 100, 1000, etc.) The base of the seat will be worked on to lower the number of parts from three to one by incorporating the assembly of the base into the manufacturing process. Develop a kitting and packaging for the parts to be placed into a compact and easy to remove/assemble package.
S YSTEM L EVEL D ESIGN The system has not been design in the CAD model yet. This is one of the deliverables that will come at the end of the project.
R ISK P LAN RiskLevelActions to MinimizeFall Back Strategy Part DurabilityHigh-Research material properties that meet industry standard -Contacting appropriate sources about recommended processes -Implement alternative materials to use Part ReliabilityHigh-Conduct material property tests, such as its tensile strength, heat test and chemical tests on the part as a whole -Provide warranty Part Incompatibilities High-Work with sponsor to obtain a detailed engineering specification and understanding of the seat -Communicate very clearly to manufacturers about what is expected -Order parts from an alternative company -Redesign individual parts SafetyHigh-Use slip-free exterior materials -Shielding of any exterior obtrusions -Redesign seat ErgonomicsModerate-Provide height adjustments to the seat-Redesign seat
C ONCLUSIONS Three Deliverables Conducting a cost analysis for seat pad material Develop a manufacturing process to combine the three piece base into one piece. Construct a packaging kit prototype