Welcome to 3 rd Grade! Mrs. Lozicki Minneola Elementary Charter School
My Education National Board Certified, 2006 Master of Education, Instructional Technology, University of South Florida Bachelor of Arts, English University of Central Florida Associate in Arts, Valencia Community College
Teaching Experience Lake Sumter Community College, Adjunct Professor 3 rd Grade Teacher Innovative Learning Specialist 2 nd Grade Teacher 8 th Grade Language Arts Teacher 6 th Grade Language Arts Teacher
Teaching Certifications National Board Certified in Literacy Reading Endorsed Elementary Education, K-6 English Education, 6-12 ESOL Certified
Subjects Language Arts Math Reading Science Spelling Social Studies Writing
Enrichment Daily Reading or Writing Students are grouped in ability levels
Homework Every night except Fridays and before holidays Reading 20 minutes every night Homework is written in agenda every day by the student Spelling and Vocabulary City, Penda Learning and Moby Max
What is Graded This Year? Tests –At end of each chapter/unit –Mid-chapter checkpoints –Spelling tests –Vocabulary –Social Studies “newspapers” Literacy tasks Writing assignments Grammar snapshots Projects
Grading Scale 90 – – – – ABCDFABCDF
Specials - 8:45-9:25 a.m. Day 1 –P.E. Day 2 – Computers Day 3 – Arts Day 4 – P.E. Day 5 - Science Day 6 - P.E. Day 7 – Music Day 8 – P.E. Day 9 - Media
Snacks Students may bring healthy snacks Water bottles will be allowed in classroom with a coozie or sock covering.
Lunch 11:12-12:42 Please make a “reservation” to eat with your child at least one day in advance. Pay for lunch first thing in the morning. Can prepay at school or by using
Exercise / Recess We will have exercise or recess every day that we don’t have P.E.
Field Trips Chaperones must be cleared by county and fingerprinted. Please fill out volunteer form ASAP!
Accelerated Reader Reading Incentive Program Books are leveled and assigned points Students take tests and earn points Students receive dog tags as rewards Those who fall behind may read during recess
Other Information Absent/Tardy notes –Please send a note with an acceptable reason to be excused. Parent Conferences –On request, by phone or in person
Contact me... Note in agenda Class Dojo message Call the school and leave message