Ware County High School State of the school
12 th grade 448 students entered the 9 th grade in 2003/ students have left the county or state 243 students have not passed at least one part of the graduation test 140 have passed all parts of the test
What does this mean? To improve on our graduation rate we need: 57 more students to receive a diploma (must have passed all 4 parts of graduation tests)
11 th grade 136 students who started school in 04/05 are in 9 th or 10 grade homerooms 18 have 5 or less total credits 32 have 6-9 total credits 76 have 10 total credits or more 60% of these students must graduate in the 07/08 school year
10 th grade 180 students failed last year after attending summer school 108 are failing one or more core classes now Of the 108 –14 have 4 or less credits –16 have 3 or less credits –58 have.5 or less credits
1st time 9 th graders 160 students currently failing one or more core classes. 53 failing English 42 failing Science 59 failing Math 59 failing Social Studies
Survey results of reasons for failing 40%- will not make up work 37% will not do homework and or class work 21% have poor test grades 9% are discipline problems
AYP Sanctions Needs Improvement- when a school has not made AYP for 2 straight years in the same area We have not made it in Math, English, or Graduation Rate for 2 years
Year One School Improvement Students are offered School Choice School must develop or revise a school improvement plan. Plan must incorporate researched –based strategies. 10% of title money set aside ($250,000)
Year 2 School Improvement Supplemental Services Continue with the plan from step one
Year Three Corrective Action Must do at least one of the following Replace school staff responsible for the continued failure to make AYP Implement new curriculum based on scientific research. Decrease management authority at the school level Extend the school year or day Appoint outside expert to advise the school on its progress toward making AYP. Reorganize the school internally.
Year Four: Restructuring Must prepare a plan to carry out at least one of the following: Reopen as a Charter School Replace the Principal and staff Contract for private management company to demonstrate effect. State takeover Any other major restructuring of school governance
Year Five Implement alternative governance plan no later that the first day of school.
Are we in a state of emergency at WCHS?