Authors: Sherry Bishop, Jim Shuman, and Elizabeth Reding The Web Collection Revealed, Premium Edition Adobe Flash CS4, Dreamweaver CS4, and Photoshop CS4 Authors: Sherry Bishop, Jim Shuman, and Elizabeth Reding Copyright 2010 ISBN: 978-1-4354-8264-7
The “Revealed” Approach A team of design professionals including multimedia instructors, students, authors, and editors worked together to create this series. The Web Collection Revealed Premium Edition is the first book on the market to feature Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, and Adobe Photoshop all together in the same text: Adobe Flash CS4 Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Adobe Photoshop CS4 Students gain practical experience with the software as they work through end-of-chapter projects and step-by-step tutorials.
The “Revealed” Approach This edition also includes an integration chapter that demonstrates how to move from one application to the other while creating a Dreamweaver Web site that incorporates both Flash and Photoshop files. Full-color illustrations and a user-friendly design combine to create a solid learning experience that reveals how to master the latest features of these popular applications.
Table of Contents
Conceptual Lessons Before jumping into instructions, in-depth comprehensive conceptual information tells students “why” skills are applied. This book provides the “how” and “why” through the use of professional examples. Also included in the text are tips and sidebars to help students work more efficiently and creatively, or to teach a bit about the history or design philosophy behind the skill they are using. Conceptual Lessons: Page 2-20 (Flash), Page 3-36 (Dreamweaver), Page 2-5 (Photoshop)
Tools You'll Use Each chapter begins with a visual overview of the Tools You’ll Use within the chapter.
What You'll Do Each lesson starts with a What You’ll Do figure. This figure gives students an at-a-glance look at what’s to come in the chapter either by showing you a file from the current project or a tool you’ll be using. What You’ll Do: Page 3-4 (Flash), Page 3-4 (Dreamweaver), Page 1-16 (Photoshop)
Step-by-Step Instructions Step-by-Step Instructions. This book combines in-depth conceptual information with concise steps to help students learn CS4. Each set of steps guides them through a lesson where they will create, modify, or enhance a CS4 file. Step references to large colorful images and quick step summaries round out the lessons. The Data Files for the steps are provided on the CD at the back of this book. Pages 3-32–3-33 (Flash), Pages 2-12–2-13 (Dreamweaver), Page 3-14–3-15 (Photoshop) Lessons walk through each process, step-by-step with detailed images, icons, tips and notes.
Skills Reference The Skills Reference table is an invaluable tool – these keyboard shortcuts show students the easiest and quickest methods of completing tasks covered in the chapter. They’re in the same spot in every chapter, so these are easy to find if a student needs to refresh their memory.
Skills Review This book contains a variety of end-of-chapter materials for additional practice and reinforcement. The Skills Review contains hands-on practice exercises that mirror the progressive nature of the lesson material and provides a concise review of all of the Photoshop skills learned in the chapter. Each set of steps guides students through a brief lesson where they will create, modify, or enhance a project file. The data Files for the steps are provided on the back of book CD Skills Review exercises are included at the end of each chapter and contain hands-on practice exercises that mirror the progressive nature of the lesson material.
Project Builder The chapter concludes with four projects; two Project Builders, one Design Project, and one Group Project or Portfolio Project. The Project Builders and the Design Project require you to apply the skills you’ve learned in the chapter. Two Project Builder exercises are featured at the end of each chapter. These exercises require students to apply the skills learned in the chapter. Includes finished example of the project.
Design Project A Design Project is featured at the end of each chapter. The Design Project tests the student’s ability to design a piece of finished work. The student’s work will not look exactly the same as the image in the book as students are encouraged to take artistic license in creating their work.
Portfolio Project Portfolio Projects are included at the end of each chapter and encourage students to solve challenges based on the content explored in the chapter. These projects differ from other projects and lessons in the text because strategies and methods for achieving the finished product are suggested rather than following a step-by-step approach. This method allows students to utilize skills learned in the book and pick up some new tips and tricks along the way Portfolio Projects can be found after the last chapter in the book.
Student CD (back of book) Extensive data files—including HTML files, text, images, Flash content, and video content—are included with the text to engage students and give them the tools they need to develop a Web site from start to finish.
Instructor Resource CD An Instructor Resource CD available with this book includes: Instructor’s Manual Chapter overviews Detailed lecture topics Teaching tips PowerPoint presentations Solutions to exercises Test banks ExamView test generator and testbank ISBN: 978-1-4354-4197-2
Instructor Resources Online Available online, the instructor resource area is password protected. To access the online resources, go to and search for the book by title or ISBN. At the book home page, click “Instructor Companion Site” To access the resources, the username is: revealedcs4 the password is: enter
Authors: Sherry Bishop, Jim Shuman, and Elizabeth Reding The Web Collection Revealed, Premium Edition Adobe Flash CS4, Dreamweaver CS4, and Photoshop CS4 Authors: Sherry Bishop, Jim Shuman, and Elizabeth Reding Copyright 2010 ISBN: 978-1-4354-8264-7