Created by Charlie Sebastian
- The average temperature is -234 Fahrenheit. - One day on Jupiter is 9.92 hours long. - One year on Jupiter is 4,329 days.
- Jupiter’s diameter is142,984 kilometers. - Jupiter’s mass is equal to all of the other planets combined.
- Jupiter is 778,330,00 kilometers or 5.2 AU’s away from the sun. - Jupiter is 4.2 AU’s away from the earth.
- Jupiter is a planet made of gasses. - Some of those gasses are helium or carbon dioxide.
- Jupiter has 67 known moons, only 18 of them are named. - Some of those names are - Metis - Adrastea - Amalthea - Thebe - Io - Europa - Ganymede - Callisto - Leda - Himalia
- Did you know that Jupiter’s magnetosphere extends all the way past Saturn's orbit, that’s more than 650 million kilometers! - Also Jupiter has 63 known satellites.
- Planetary science book - The papers you let students use