AAC&U Board Meeting Randy Bass Vice Provost for Education Georgetown University September 27, 2015 Liberal Learning and the Digital Future
”Liberal Education Re-bound: Seizing the Digital Opportunity University Randy Bass (Georgetown University) Bret Eynon (LaGuardia Community College) Making the Case publication AAC&U GEMs Project
What could liberal education look like if we were inventing it at this moment in history? How might the new digital context help us renew a vision of liberal learning and make it widely available to and meaningful for an expanded population of college students?
Purdue-Gallop Poll on Engaged Work and Flourishing Two most important predictors of success: 1)Adult mentor who cared about you 2) Sustained project
The great tension of our time in education is between integration and dis-integration.
The split logic of the learning paradigm Integrative (holistic, coherent): Design of whole learning experiences Curricular and co-curricular Competencies conceived as part of a whole Connections & integration Disintegrative: Design of discrete or granular learning experiences Competency-based learning Learning decoupled from formal boundaries Analytics that track narrow or micro learning
Reframing Core Elements of Liberal Education Engagement that builds from interest to purpose, knowledge and capacity for lifelong learning Community and mentorship that shapes ability to have impact in the world Integration that develops a capacity for dealing with complexity and change
Reframing Core Elements in the New Ecosystem Engagement Community and mentorship Integration fundamentally shaped by networks Data-driven Algorithms x Human Judgment Horizontal access to Creation and Production
In this new environment, what is the digital opportunity?
Digital Opportunity: Holistic advising and integrated services Are we in a better position than ever to connect what has typically not been connected? Academic Affairs + Student Affairs Advising + Career Placement Curriculum + Co-curriculum Curriculum Design + Outcomes Assessment + Institutional Research
15-week Traditional Statistics Course 8-9 weeks with OLI materials + Professor Applied projects on student Interests Advanced topics and problem-solving Remaining 5-6 weeks Digital Opportunity: Adaptive learning intelligent tutors Open Learning Initiative
Machine/Algorithm + Human Judgment & Support
Habitable Worlds – Online Course at Arizona State University Digital Opportunity: Inquiry-driven online environments
Digital Opportunity: Inquiry-driven online environments
University of Mary Washington Emory University Georgetown University A DOMAIN OF ONE’S OWN Digital Opportunity: Open Web Domains for Digital Fluency
“Every hour spent online inside an LMS is one in which students are not engaging the wider web in a spirit of critical inquiry.” Jim Groom and Brian Lamb, “Reclaiming Innovation,” Educause Review Online, Digital Opportunity: Open web domains for digital fluency
Audrey Watters “Giving students their own digital domain is a radical act. It gives them the ability to work on the Web and with the Web, to have their scholarship be meaningful and accessible by others. It allows them to demonstrate their learning to others beyond the classroom walls. To own one’s domain gives students an understanding of how Web technologies work. It puts them in a much better position to control their work, their data, their identity online.”
Learning Portfolios Digital Opportunity: Integrative Learning Portfolios
What Difference does ePortfolio Make? C2L evidence supports 3 preliminary claims Sophisticated ePortfolio initiatives: 1.Advance Student Learning & Success 2.Make Student Learning Visible 3.Catalyze Institutional Change My (ePortfolio-enhanced) course engaged me in… Quite a Bit/ Very Much Synthesizing & organizing ideas, information or experiences in new ways 83.1% Applying theories or concepts to practical problems or in new situations 77.2% My course contribued to my knowledge, skills and personal development in understanding myself 78.6%
+ Digital Opportunity: Open and Integrative Platforms Dialectic between the openness of “Domain of One’s Own” and the integrative power of ePortfolio, especially for outcomes assessment and institutional learning. Domains Portfolio
What might the fitbit dashboard for learning look like? Digital Opportunity: Data for empowerment of learning
Student curated dashboard on their learning Digital Opportunity: Data for empowerment of learning
+ + Reflective Portfolios Dashboard / Analytics Alumni Pathways and Career Services Digital Opportunity: Holistic advising and integrated services
Reframing Core Elements in the New Ecosystem Engagement Community and mentorship Integration fundamentally shaped by networks Data-driven Algorithms x Human Judgment Horizontal access to Creation and Production
Liberal Education Re-bound Are digital environments fundamentally engaging and empowering all students for a life beyond the institution? Do learning environments put social learning at the center? Are we fully harnessing the power of adaptive data-driven learning tools to support an integrative vision of education? Are we designing for the porosity of institutional boundaries? Are we maximizing the use of digital tools—quantitative and qualitative—to make our institutions adaptive learning organizations?