ECommerce Last Update Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
What is ECommerce ECommerce refers to the use of the Internet and the Web to transact business More formally, ecommerce is about digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals For the most part, this means transactions that occur over the Internet and the Web Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
What is ECommerce Commercial transactions involve the exchange of value across organizational or individual boundaries in return for products and services It began in 1995 when accepted the first ads from major corporations and popularized the idea that the Web could be used as a new medium for advertising and sales Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
ECommerce How is ECommerce different from traditional commerce The textbook suggests in these ways Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
ECommerce –Ubiquity –Global Reach –Universal Standards –Rich Environment –Interactivity –Information Density –Personalization –Social Technology Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
ECommerce Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
ECommerce Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
Types of ECommerce There are three types of ECommerce –B2C - Business-to-consumer electronic commerce involves retailing products and services to individual shoppers –B2B - Business-to-business electronic commerce involves sales of goods and services among businesses –C2C - Consumer-to-consumer electronic commerce involves consumers selling directly to consumers Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
Ecommerce Business Models There are several forms a business could take when engaging in this Such as Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
ECommerce Business Models Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
ECommerce Revenue Models The textbook identifies these ways of making money in ECommerce –Advertising –Sales –Subscription –Free/freemium –Transaction fee –Affiliate Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D
Sources Most of this is copied from –Management Information Systems –12th Edition –Ken Laudon and Jane Laudon Copyright Kenneth M. Chipps Ph.D