Sailesh Chutani Tony Hey Harold Javid Microsoft Research
Which of the following best describes your principal technical specialty? 1) Hardware / Architecture 2) Networking / Systems / Mobility 3) Cybersecurity / Information Assurance 4) Programming Languages / Software Engineering / Software 5) Search / Retrieval / Knowledge Management / Social Computing 6) Human Computer Interaction 7) Graphics / Vision / Animation 8) AI / Robotics 9) Machine Learning / Adaptability / Intelligence 10) Algorithms / Theory
What subfield of computing research do you think will have the greatest impact in the next decade? 1) Hardware / Architecture 2) Networking / Systems / Mobility 3) Cybersecurity / Information Assurance 4) Programming Languages / Software Engineering / Software 5) Search / Retrieval / Knowledge Management / Social Computing 6) Human Computer Interaction 7) Graphics / Vision / Animation 8) AI / Robotics 9) Machine Learning / Adaptability / Intelligence 10) Algorithms / Theory
Which of the following best describes your principal technical specialty? IMPACT 10 yrs 1) Hardware / Architecture 2) Networking / Systems / Mobility 3) Cybersecurity / Information Assurance 4) Programming Languages / Software Engineering / Software 5) Search / Retrieval / Knowledge Management / Social Computing 6) Human Computer Interaction 7) Graphics / Vision / Animation 8) AI / Robotics 9) Machine Learning / Adaptability / Intelligence 10) Algorithms / Theory
With which fields are you most actively involved in interdisciplinary activities? 1) Some other field of science (e.g., biology) 2) Some other field of engineering (e.g., civil) 3) Some social science (e.g., economics) 4) The humanities (e.g., English) 5) The arts (e.g., music) 6) Public Policy (e.g., law) 7) Other 8) None
For Announcements and Step-by-Step instructions Open Requests for ProposalPlanned Launch Amount Intelligent Web 3.0Fall 2007$500,000 Cell Phone as a Platform for HealthcareFall 2007$1,000,000 Mechanisms for Safe and Scalable Multicore ComputingFall 2007$500,000 Sustainable ComputingFall 2007$500,000 Human-Robot Interaction (HRI)Fall 2007$500,000 Biomedical Computing for Genome Wide Association StudiesWinter 2007$700,000 Special OpportunitiesPlanned Launch Amount 2008 Microsoft Research New Faculty Fellowship NominationsFall 2007$1,000,000 A. Richard Newton Breakthrough Research AwardFall 2007$1,000,000
Which of the following best describes the sessions that you attended most frequently at this conference? 1. Mobility 2. Computational Science (Biology, eScience, Computational Photography) 3. Many Core, Concurrency, Compliers 4. Online Technologies& Web (Search, Privacy, Social Networking) 5. Embedded Systems (Robotics, Sensor Networks) 6. Technologies for Education (Tablet PC, Gaming, CS1, Social Relevance) 7. Distributed across all of the above :7
Would your Ph.D. candidates benefit from attending a conference such as this Summit? 1) Yes 2) Perhaps 3) No :5
For the following list of ER&P programs and initiatives, which have you engaged in most frequently? 1. RFP’s 2. Sponsored Research 3. Workshops and Conferences 4. New Faculty Fellowship Program 5. Internships for your students 6. Centers and Institutes 7. None Yet :07
Audience Q & A
What is your opinion? 1) Strongly Agree 2) Agree 3) Neutral 4) Disagree 5) Strongly Disagree
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Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2007