Moss Park Infants Curriculum Meeting Year 1 Topic work
Topic work We teach Science, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Art and Design, Music, PE, Computing, PSHE, RE. These subjects are mainly taught through topic work. However, they can also be covered within literacy and numeracy lessons. PE and RE are taught in a planned sequence of lessons.
Topic work The topics covered over the school year are; Ourselves Light and Dark Toys Dinosaurs Growing Holidays
Topic work We encourage children to be interested and involved in the topics we cover. We appreciate parents support with topic work. We send out information about the topics covered in each half term. We sometimes ask for things to be brought into school for topic work. E.g. for Ourselves, we ask if children can bring in a photograph of themselves as a baby.
Books bags should be brought in every day. Home reading books are changed every Monday and Thursday if children have practised at home and can read the book. PE is taught weekly. Please have PE kit in school, no jewellery to be worn and hair must be tied back. PE will be outdoors (depending on weather) so children will need shorts, t-shirt and trainers/pumps in school. Please make sure your child can dress themselves for PE. Please make sure your child’s clothes are clearly labelled. General Information
Homework As mentioned home reading is a very effective way of supporting your child. Homework is given on a Friday. The homework will reflect work done during week and will give further practice and consolidation of concepts covered. Homework is best to be done with adult support. Please support your child with this work as it makes a real difference to their achievements in school.