To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Resources
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. The Role of Medicines Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Prescription Medicine Label Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Drug Use—A High-Risk Behavior Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Marijuana, Inhalants, and Steroids Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. The Health Risks of Marijuana Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Psychoactive Drugs Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Crack Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Living Drug Free Image Bank
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Warning Signs of Drug Use Image Bank
Nonmedical use of the type of steroid known as an anabolic steroid is abuse of the substance. The table shows the abuse of anabolic steroids in a study that involved more than 45,000 students from both public and private schools. Read the passage below and then answer the questions. To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. TAKS Test Practice
1. If 14,000 of the students were seniors, how many of them have not used anabolic steroids in the past month? A. 13,888 B C D. 11,120 To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. TAKS Test Practice
2. If 16,000 of the students were eighth graders, how many of them have not ever used anabolic steroids? A. 15,520 B. 13,272 C. 10,352 D. 480 To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. TAKS Test Practice
3. Look at the table entries for eighth and twelfth graders. “Used in past year” shows the same percent for both grades, but a higher percentage of eighth graders have, at some time, used anabolic steroids. What does this data show about recent increase in usage by eighth graders compared to usage by twelfth graders? To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. TAKS Test Practice
Make this Foldable to help you organize what you learn about the role of medicines. Begin with a plain sheet of 11” x 17” paper. Foldables Fold the short sides of a sheet of paper into the middle to form a shutterfold. To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Before you read
Foldables Fold the shutterfold in half. To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc.
Unfold. Cut along the inside fold lines on both sides to form four tabs. Label as shown. To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Foldables
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Prescription Medicine Label Transparencies Prescription labels must carry certain information about the medicine. In order to use the medicine safely, always read the label carefully, and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have any questions.
Drug Use and the Brain To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Ecstasy, a stimulant drug that speeds up the nervous system, affects parts of the brain controlling thinking, mood, memory, and perception. Transparencies
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. The Health Risks of Marijuana Transparencies
Health Risks of Psychoactive Drugs To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Transparencies
To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Transparencies Health Risks of Psychoactive Drugs
Transparencies To return to the lesson, click the Back button or press Esc. Warning Signs of Drug Use Be alert to these signs that a person may have a drug problem.