Writing for non-readers Show me! I’m lazy. I’m visual. Images can be strong and seductive. Words take work! BUT: journalism often is teaching, so choose what best informs and conveys the information. In other words, be deliberate.
What can graphics do? Carve up complicated material into bite-sized chunks Offer attractive alternatives to gray- looking text Allow writers to move key background information out of narrative for flow Provide additional entry points for the reader into the story
Functions of graphics Locators (or spotters), like the map at right Explanation (“anatomy of an avalanche”) or breakout Weather
Functions of graphics Textual information: Charts (statistics) Chronologies Lists Fast facts Bio box Glossary Checklist Quiz, Q&A SIERRA PACIFIC RESOURCES TIMELINE Key events during the past year at Sierra Pacific Resources subsidiaries Sierra Pacific Power Co. and Nevada Power Co.: April 18, 2001: Legislature enacts AB 369, repealing electricity deregulation in Nevada and allowing Sierra Pacific and Nevada Power to file for recovery of fuel and purchased power costs through rate hikes. Feb. 1, 2002: Sierra Pacific, under AB 369, files $205 million deferred energy rate hike (average monthly increase of $5.92 percent for residential ratepayers) to recoup energy costs. Feb. 28, 2002: Sierra Pacific reduces general rate case to $16 million; revised general and deferred energy rate hike for residential customers reduced to average of $2.68 a month. April 1, 2002: Shares in Sierra Pacific Resources fall from $15.09 to $9.11 in response to Nevada Power rate hike reduction; ratings firms cut utilities’ credit worthiness. April 23, 2002: Sierra Pacific Resources board of directors votes not to pay quarterly stock dividend in May, saving $20 million. May 28, 2002: PUC grants a reduced rate increase, combining deferred energy and general rate filings, of $139.2 million over three years. June 1, 2002: Rate hike to go into effect.
Functions of graphics Polls Quote collection Tables, pie charts, bar charts, fever charts Ratings Step-by-step guides
Functions of graphics Graph information: Charts (statistics) Business data Trends (longitudinal data)
Functions of graphics Logos: To accompany running stories. For quick ID of groups often in the news. Also called eartags.
Functions of graphics Illustrations to accompany stories about abstract ideas, draw readers in and set the tone.
What to watch for Misrepresentation using percentages Non-comparable data (apples & oranges) Conflicts between graphic & text Too much repeated information between graphic & text
What to watch for Inappropriateness Data distortion (proportionality) Overdressed graphics (too busy) Silliness (birthday cakes in textbook)
What to watch for Dummy type: Xxxxy xxxxy.
Guidelines Ask yourself: What is missing from this story? What is bogging down the text? What needs clarification? What would help flow? Collect the data carefully Edit carefully, in part and as a whole Convert to understandable values Label clearly Simplify >>What is the point? Presentation: effects, screens, photos, illustrations