Chapter 4 People and Places
Defining Culture Culture- knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors shared by and passed on by the members of a specific group. Society- a group that shares a geographic region, a sense of identity and a culture. Ethnic group- group that shares a language, customs and a common heritage.
Culture Change and Exchange Innovation- taking existing technology and resources and creating something new to meet a need. Ex. Storage of goods (baskets and pots). Diffusion- the spreading of ideas, inventions, or patterns of behavior to different societies.
Cultural hearth- a site of innovation from which basic ideas, materials and technology diffuse to many cultures. (Ex. societies by rivers or those centrally located). Acculturation- the cultural change that occurs when individuals in a society accept or adopt an innovation.
Language & Religion Dialect- a version of a language that reflects changes in speech patterns due to class, region, or cultural languages. Dialect- a version of a language that reflects changes in speech patterns due to class, region, or cultural languages. Religion- the belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe, as well as the system of beliefs itself. Religion- the belief in a supernatural power or powers that are regarded as the creators and maintainers of the universe, as well as the system of beliefs itself.
Factors of Culture o Food & ShelterEducation o ReligionSecurity/Protection o RelationshipsPolitics/Society o LanguageCreative Expression
Diffusion For the most part no group of people can avoid some kind of contact with other societies. Television and the Internet, as well as other inventions have changed our world drastically.
Inventions that have changed our world and people: ShipsCars ShipsCars PlanesTelephone PlanesTelephone TelevisionInternet TelevisionInternet RadiosTrains RadiosTrains WeaponsClothes WeaponsClothes Houses Houses
Ex. of Acculturation Clothes/DressRecreation/Sports Clothes/DressRecreation/Sports Slang/LanguageArt Slang/LanguageArt MusicEntertainment MusicEntertainment JobsEducation JobsEducation
Language Geographers believe that there are between 3,000 and 6,500 different languages spoken across the globe. Geographers believe that there are between 3,000 and 6,500 different languages spoken across the globe. Language, establishes a cultural identity, builds unity within that group and it allows the people within a culture to communicate with each other. Language, establishes a cultural identity, builds unity within that group and it allows the people within a culture to communicate with each other.
Language Diffusion Swahili- (Arabic and Bantu-speaking tribes through trade routes). Swahili- (Arabic and Bantu-speaking tribes through trade routes). Louisiana Creole- (French, African and North American peoples of Louisiana). Louisiana Creole- (French, African and North American peoples of Louisiana).
Types of Religion Monotheistic- belief in one god. Monotheistic- belief in one god. Polytheistic- belief in many gods. Polytheistic- belief in many gods. Animistic- belief and divine forces of nature. Animistic- belief and divine forces of nature.
Major Religions of the World Judaism Judaism Christianity Christianity Islam Islam Hinduism Hinduism Buddhism Buddhism
Ex. Of Creative Cultural Expressions Performing Arts (Music, dance, theater, and film). Performing Arts (Music, dance, theater, and film). Visual Arts (Architecture, painting, sculpture, and textiles). Visual Arts (Architecture, painting, sculpture, and textiles). Literature (Poems, folk tales, and stories). Literature (Poems, folk tales, and stories).