2009 The Natural Step T ourism and hospitality A polaroid outlook 3 june 2010 Jimmy Sjöblom The Natural Step International
2009 The Natural Step The world of hospitality Only value-driven Diffuse factors affect
2009 The Natural Step Very conservative Insufficient stakeholder dialogue The world of hospitality
2009 The Natural Step Diffuse price structure Highly uncertain conditions for the future ”This year’s Christmas present won’t be a physical product. It will be an experience…” - Retailers’ surveying inst. nov 2008 The world of hospitality
2009 The Natural Step Travelling: - Ca AD 1500: travels for war, conquests - Ca AD 1500 – 1800: travels for exploration & trade - Ca AD 1800 – now: travels for experiencing (culture/history = mainstream) Historic overview Accomodation: - Ca AD 1500: when moving from A to B on someones’ behalf - Ca AD 1500 – 1800: staying over where the work was - Ca AD 1800 – 1990: staying over near what’s to be experienced - Ca AD 1990 – now: staying over is becoming the experience
2009 The Natural Step Right now – ”snapshots” ”I went to leave 20 years ago. Since then I guess I’ve been packing kinda’ slow… It’s just a long goodbye…” - Bruce Springsteen Mass tourism Slowly fading phenomenon Historically but a fad – but with enormous consequences… - WTTC, IH&RA, WTO mfl
2009 The Natural Step Right now – ”snapshots” Aftonbladet, web newspaper 26 nov 2008
2009 The Natural Step Right now – ”snapshots”
2009 The Natural Step Right now – ”snapshots” Tulum – Mexico One of the world’s largest cave systems Owned and operated by Maya natives Artificial village - environmentally aware Yields ca 60’ gn/y, only ca 10’ dive
2009 The Natural Step Right now – ”snapshots”
2009 The Natural Step Right now – ”snapshots” A possible future 2020: Remarkably segregated tourism – bigger gap between rich and poor traveller Partnerships stand back to consolidation and whole-chain responsibillity Extreme div. of Giving and Taking tourism continues
2009 The Natural Step The golden rule translated Prioritizing actions * ”WHAT shall we package” will replace ”HOW shall we package”… * ”Where do we WANT to invest” will replace ”where CAN we invest”… ”Who do we risk to work AGAINST” will replace ”who do we risk working WITH”… …and how will this affect next year’s budgeting and marketing...?
2009 The Natural Step Planning from success TIME Sustainability
2009 The Natural Step
Human needs Subsis- tence Idleness Partici- pation ProtectionAffection Under- standing CreationIdentityFreedom Manfred Max-Neef et al
2009 The Natural Step Restaurant Splendid Prioritizing actions Hotel Splendid Attraction Splendid Subsis- tence Idleness Partici- pation ProtectionAffection Under- standing CreationIdentityFreedom What needs SHOULD you meet and what needs MAY you meet? Three teams: How do you meet these needs? - Minimum 10 concrete examples How may you violate these needs? - Minimum 10 concrete examples