April 2 nd, 2015
What steps should you take when dissecting a writing prompt? Why? How do they help you organize a paper?
Today I will apply my understanding of Power Words in order to start the process of responding to a variety of writing prompts. RACE vs. Go Green Review Dissection and Application Round Robin QR Code Scavenger Hunt
When should you use RACE? ◦ RACE works best for constructed responses. ◦ Produces roughly a paragraph or two When should you use Go Green? ◦ The Go Green principles work for all writing ◦ Geared mainly toward extended responses and essays
Color Coding Key BLUE- The main idea of the paragraph RED- Supporting details GREEN- Specific details & examples
The main idea will usually be the first sentence of the body paragraph. It supports the overall controlling idea for the paper. Ex: School buses are not the best form of transportation to and from school.
These are details that are general and a little vague. They do, however, support the main idea. EX: The school buses we have now are too crowded.
These details need to be specific; use numbers, names, facts, etc. Build off of the supporting details (the red sentences) to elaborate on the topic. Ex: Students have to cram in three to a seat. Every afternoon, on the way home, students are squished, sweating, and extremely uncomfortable.
Ideas Score 5Topic: 8214 Have you ever thought about all the different types of transportation that can take you to school? At my school, lots of students take the bus or have their parents drop them off on the way to work. Those students who live near the school may walk or ride their bikes. All of these types of transportation can be great, depending on your situation, but they all have disadvantages too. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about ways to get to school? The traditional yellow school bus. This is a great means of transportation for getting a large number of students to school on time. And as a student, school buses are free. You could also take a city bus if you live in a big city. They aren’t free, but city buses usually don’t cost more than a dollar. Although the bus is less expensive, it can also be crowded, cluttered, and noisy. I hate having to squeeze next to a total stranger and listen to kids yelling all the way to school. If you prefer a more private mode of transportation, I suggest cars. You don’t have to worry about some intense coffee drinker breathing down your neck or a person you despise sitting next to you. You can also travel in the comfort of your own seat with the A/C set at your ideal temperature. Unfortunately, cars are very expensive and with gas prices at $4 a gallon, it quickly becomes more unaffordable. Car riding can also be inconvenient to your parents or whomever you ride with. Some parents must be at work at the time school starts and ends, and they just can’t drive you there and back. Riding a bike or walking can be good too. These ways are cheaper as well, a bike isn’t too expensive now, and walking is free. And riding a bike or walking is definitely less polluting and the world doesn’t need anymore of that nasty pollution. You also get plenty of exercise peddling your bike or walking those miles to your school. The downside is it takes a lot longer to get from school and back. Let’s be honest here, a bike or a person just can’t go that fast and if you live far away from school, it can be a hassle. Bike riding or walking can also be inconvenient, for example, what happens when it rains? Or Snows? Who wants to ride a bike or walk through bad weather? All these types of transportation can be a great way to get to school or home from school, but they can also be difficult. Let’s just face it - school is hard enough, so the way to get to and from school shouldn’t be hard too. Maybe someday there will be luxury cars with clean, affordable fuel for every student.
Visual representation of a well written essay
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You will work in groups of three, however each person will have his or her own iPad. You and your group will locate and scan the trigger images to see the aura. The trigger image will take you either to: ◦ A task you must complete, ◦ A resource with a mini lesson on something, ◦ A video, or ◦ A link of some sort. If any of the trigger images do not work, use the QR code reader to go to the link on each of the posted QR codes.
You have the rest of class to work. You will complete this by the end of class tomorrow.
Read for 30 minutes. Review the Power Words and all that we have learned.
Whoa Moment: In a popcorn style, share a “whoa” moment, an a-ha moment, that you observed through today’s lesson. Be prepared to share aloud!