Sign-off Mentor (ReviewedJan 2011) (The NMC Standards to support learning and assessment in practice can be accessed from the main menu of the Placement Website) Faculty of Health and Wellbeing Pre-registration Nursing Programmes © SHEFFIELD HALLAM UNIVERSITY 2011
Learning outcomes – After accessing this presentation it is expected that you will be able to: 12/11/ Outline the NMC requirements for sign-off mentor Consider whether you meet the criteria to become a sign-off mentor Discuss the types of evidence which could be used to assess the clinical proficiency of a student at the end of their programme Identify key personnel who are able to support the mentoring and assessment process
The NMC Standard 12/11/ Developed to give better assurances to the NMC that students undertaking programmes have been supported and provided with appropriate supervision and assessment of competency by the practitioners with the necessary knowledge and competence Implemented for students who commenced programmes from 1 September 2007
Developmental Framework 12/11/ Stage 1 = Registrants/Associate mentors Stage 2 = Mentors / Sign-off Mentors Stage 3 = Practice Teachers Stage 4 = Teachers
Assessment of competence 12/11/ All students will be assessed during their programme by mentors prepared for the role Students can only be assessed for entry to the Register (at the end of their programme) by sign-off mentors or practice teachers For midwifery programmes all mentors must meet sign-off mentor requirements
Sign-off Mentor Additional Requirements 12/11/ Supervised on three occasions for signing off proficiency by an existing sign-off mentor (see next slide for further details) Current clinical experience Demonstrate an understanding of the curriculum, NMC proficiencies and requirements Understand the responsibility and accountability of the role
The NMC circular 05/2010 Issue date 26 March 2010 states: The requirement for a prospective sign-off mentor to be supervised in signing off students on at least three occasions before they can be designated a sign-off mentor remains unchanged. However: First and second supervisions may now be effected using a range of methods: Simulation, Role play, Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), Interactive use of electronic resources. These will be determined locally by programme providers The final supervision for signing off proficiency must be with an actual student undertaking an NMC approved programme. The alternative methods, such as those referred to in paragraph 3.2, above, are not permitted for this final supervision More information can be found by right clicking the mouse on the address below and clicking on ‘open hyperlink’
Grandparent Right – used initially to populate the mentor register Initially, the role of sign-off mentor was afforded to mentors with an existing qualification and/or experience who were already practising safely and effectively in making accurate decisions on student proficiency in the final pre-registration placement. A cut-off date for the use of this right was decided by each Trust and this right is no longer available to use for anyone that wasn’t annotated on the register at that time. (Therefore all new sign-off mentors must follow the guidance issued by the NMC circular 05/2010 Issue date 26 March 2010) 12/11/2015 8
Accountability 12/11/ “Mentors, Practice Teachers and Teachers who sign off all or part of the programme leading to registration are accountable to the Council for their decision that the students are fit for practice and that they have the necessary knowledge, skills and competence to take on the role of the registered nurse” Registration provides a licence to practise and is the prime means of protecting the public.
NMC Requirements for the role of sign-off mentor 12/11/ Time allocated to reflect, give feedback and keep records of student achievement during final placement where proficiency is signed off – equivalent to one hour per week over and above the expected 40% required time that a mentor will work with a student. The sign-off mentor must provide evidence that the student has met the required standards of proficiency at the end of the programme. The sign-off mentor must be on the same part or sub- part of the Register as that which the student is intending to enter.
NMC Requirements for the role of sign-off mentor The final assessment of proficiency draws on evidence of assessment over a sustained period of time. The Sign-off Mentor may use previous student assessments and other evidence to see if competence has been achieved and maintained, as well as demonstrated in the current placement 12/11/
Evidence of Clinical Proficiency when assessing students at the end of the programme 12/11/ An ongoing achievement record (Practice Assessment Document) Observation in Practice Simulation, testimonies, question and answer
The PAD remains the key document to be used by the Sign-off Mentor. The PAD states the Sign-Off Mentor must examine the previous PAD and skills passport to develop the action plan. The action plan will address unachieved essential skills and any areas of potential weakness. 12/11/
Finally… If further clarification is required please contact the Link Lecturer for your placement area. 12/11/