Effective Use of the EPOSTL by Student Teachers of English (EFUESTE) KA2 Strategic Partnerships for higher education
Hacettepe University,Turkey (Coordinator) Adam Mickiewicz University,Poland Presov University,Slovakia University of Latvia,Latvia University of Rijeka,Croatia Project Partners
This project aims at gathering English language teacher training academics and student teachers from different European contexts and providing them with a common basis for sharing ideas and experiences about how to design effective EPOSTL supported implementations in their system. AIM…
OUTPUT 1: Project booklet EPOSTL related documents and presentations Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: (Project Activities) Intellectual Outputs
OUTPUT 2: Needs Analysis and Review of Literature on the use of the EPOSTL Literature Review on the use of the EPOSTL A needs analysis will be conducted on at least 50 academics and 150 student teachers on the use of EPOSTL in each partner country via a questionnaire. Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: (Project Activities) Intellectual Outputs
OUTPUT 3: Statistical Analyses Statistical Anlalyses of the obtained data from needs analysis and literature review on the use of the EPOSTL in the field of foreign/second language teaching Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: (Project Activities) Intellectual Outputs
OUTPUT 4: Alignment Chart Alignment of course contents with the EPOSTL descriptors. each partner will work on the content of their teacher training program and they will make alignment of the course achievements with the EPOSTL descriptors. In the end, an alignment chart of the language teacher programs in accordance with the EPOSTL descriptors Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: (Project Activities) Intellectual Outputs
OUTPUT 5: Developing an E-EPOSTL An EPOSTL will be developed for the use of every student teacher of languages across Europe. Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: (Project Activities) Intellectual Outputs
International Conference for Use of the EPOSTL Project coordinator will give detailed information on the use of the EPOSTL Each partner and coordinating organization will present and explain their Review of Literature on the use of the EPOSTL in their own country. In addition, one of the partners will present the statistical analyses, while another partner will explain the Alignment Chart carried out in the project Estimated Start Date: Estimated End Date: (Project Activities) Multiplier Events
Project Management and Implementation Transnational Project Meetings Intellectual Outputs Learning/Teaching/Training Activities –Travel –Subsistence BUDGET
250 EUR per organisation per month Project management (e.g. planning, finances, coordination and communication between partners, etc.); small scale learning/teaching/training materials, tools, approaches etc. Virtual cooperation and local project activities (e.g. classroom project work with learners, youth work activities, organisation and mentoring of embedded learning/training activities, etc.); information, promotion and dissemination (e.g. brochures, leaflets, web information, etc.).Costs linked to the implementation of transnational youth initiatives. Project Management and Implementation
There will be a total of 6 project meetings –2 project meetings in TR –4 project meetings in other partners countries It covers travel and subsistence expenditures Transnational Project Meetings
O1:Project booklet O2:Needs Analysis and Review of Literature on the use of the EPOSTL O3:Statistical Analyses O4:Alignment Chart O5:Developing an E-EPOSTL Intellectual Outputs
University of Presov
Learning/Teaching/Training Activities ( Travel)
Learning/Teaching/Training Activities ( Subsistence)
Timesheet Invoice covers Keep all invoices and receipts Keep all boarding pass cards, and other travel cards There is no tax for all European countries for their expenditures Required Documents
It is used for intellectual outputs TIMESHEET
It is used for all project meetings and 2 training meetings INVOICE COVERS
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