Welcome Back Teachers! Goodson Middle School Assistant Principal Presentation
Who is Who: The A-Team Phyllis Hamilton: Principal Lisa Millenbah: Director of Instruction Sheri McCaig: 6 th Grade AP Chip Cordes: 7 th Grade AP Greg Gruss: 8 th Grade AP Missy Raisbeck: 6 th Grade Counselor Chrissy Reyna: 7 th Grade Counselor Cathy Coby: 8 th Grade Counselor
Assistant Principal Duties: Sheri McCaig: 6 th Grade AP: Greg Gruss: 8 th Grade AP: Teacher Duty SchedulesKeys Safety CoordinatorLockers Gang Task ForceHeat/Air InventoryCustodians Building Use Work Orders Chip Cordes: 7 th Grade AP: Textbooks Game Workers Admin Duty Schedules D-Hall Workers
Tardy Policy Tardies 1 – 4: Warning Tardies 5 – 15: Saturday D-Hall (1 session ) 8:00 am – 9:55 am Tardies 16 – 20: Saturday D-Hall (2 session) 10:05 am – 12:00 noon Tardies 21 +: DMC per tardy * A student is tardy when he/she enters the room after the bell rings.
Hallway Infractions: To be used by teachers that are monitoring the hallways. Get student’s correct name and grade level. Check off infraction that was observed. Write a short note on form about what happened. EX: “Pushing another student against lockers.” Let student know that you will be turning in the form to the AP Office. Not intended for classroom use.
Hallway Infraction & Tardy Form Tardy Form:Hallway Infraction Form: Have student sign.Fill out completely. Give student white copy.Give some info about what Turn in Yellow & Pink to Officehappened.
Discipline: Level I Used for minor or persistent misbehavior. Document date(s) of infraction, parent contact, and assign Saturday D-Hall. Have student sign form. If they refuse, just write that they refuse to sign on the form. Parent contact is the key. Phone calls and/or conferences are best. Let student know that they are going to receive a discipline notice.
Discipline: Level I Tips: Fill out each box with the date that the event occurred. You can assign Saturday D-Hall or AP’s can. Have student sign the form Fill out top portion with correct information.
Discipline: Level II Used for major misbehavior or for discipline that needs an explanation. Document date(s) of infraction, parent contact, and assign Saturday D-Hall. Have student sign form. If they refuse, just write that they refuse to sign on the form. Parent contact is the key. Phone calls and/or conferences are best. Let student know that they are going to receive a discipline notice.
Discipline: Level II Tips: Be sure to fill out top portion. Parents will receive a copy, so Be sure what you write is appropriate. If other students are involved you may want to put those student’s names on a separate sheet. You can always us additional information in regards to a discipline issue.
Dress Code & Confiscation Forms: Dress Code Form: Send student with form to AP’s office. AP will evaluate dress code issue and read form. Action taken will be noted on form. AP may about the situation (there may be more to the situation). Our goal will be for the student to be back to class as soon as issue is addressed. Confiscation Form: Use for collecting any item from a student. EX: Cell phone, iPod, MP3, or any other Nuisance item. Cell Phones collected will be returned to for a $15 fee. All other items will be returned after a Saturday D- Hall is served. Fill out form completely and turn into AP’s office. Do not keep confiscated items on your desk…..Turn them in.
Textbook Management Form: This form is to be used when you find a Textbook and do not know who it belongs to. Fill out form, place form inside book, and place book on the AP’s Secretary’s Desk. We will look up who the book belongs to by scanning it. You may want to check the name in the inside front cover to see if it is one of your students.
Other Forms:
That’s All Folks! Questions?