Our Proposed Budget March 26, 2012 HIGH SCHOOLS RAMAPO INDIAN HILLS
Our Budget The budget is a direct result of our district’s faculty, staff, administration and Board of Education working together to realize multiple efficiencies in the way we operate without sacrificing academic excellence. HIGH SCHOOLS RAMAPO INDIAN HILLS
Our Budget “It takes a deep commitment to change and an even deeper commitment to grow.” —Ralph Ellison
District Budget Projections Difference between the State’s Cap and Actual Budget in is ($2.3M) Difference between 2008 Projections and Actual Budget in is ($5.6M)
Comparison – Indicator 1 Total Comparative Cost Per Pupil $ Change% Change District Per Pupil CostRankingPer Pupil CostRankingin Cost Northern Highlands13, ,16531 $1, % Northern Valley14, ,95434 $1, % Pascack Valley15, ,00244 $2, % Ramapo Indian Hills15, ,93535 $ % West Essex Regional13, ,94436 $2, % Hunterdon Central14, ,02630 $ % North Hunterdon- Voorhees 13, ,61433 $2, % Monmouth Regional15, ,06345 $2, % West Morris Regional12, ,02917 $1, % Watchung Hills12, ,00616 $1, % Cost Saving Based on Per Pupil Cost = $5.0M Comparison is based on 47 Regional High School Districts Source: State of NJ - Taxpayers Guide to Education Spending May 2011
District Budget Projections Difference between the State’s Cap and Actual Budget in is ($2.3M) Difference between 2008 Projections and Actual Budget in is ($5.6M)
Description Proposed Budget Portion of Total Budget Instruction 28,058, % Transportation 2,138, % Administration 3,638, % Maintenance & Operations 4,906, % Employee Benefits 7,584, % Equipment/Capital Reserve 1,390, % Special Programs 543, % Debt Service 1,726, % Total Budget 49,986, % Expenditures
Description Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 5 Year Increase Instruction26,668,31727,042,10627,426,75127,544,37228,058, % Appropriations Transportation2,048,6252,063,4732,089,7102,139,3862,138, % Administration3,624,2513,606,2473,605,0113,605,2003,638, % Maintenance & Operations4,700,0234,993,1484,813,2714,729,7784,906, % Employee Benefits6,605,3966,821,4187,091,6687,430,5317,584, % Equipment/Cap ital/Reserve1,659,3361,825,000474,4761,280,7401,390,384(16.21%) Special Programs533,543513,528504,357506,285543, % Debt Service1,725,2781,724,0151,731,0151,721,6151,726, % Total Budget47,564,76948,588,93547,736,25948,957,90749,986, %
Revenue - Sources of Funds Total Budget: $49,986,674 Balance Appropriated - $2,063,514 Federal Aid - $543,893 State Aid - $1,204,270 Tuition/Transportation - $68,000 Miscellaneous -$460,000 Local Taxes - $45,646,997
Current Budget$ 48,957,907 Proposed Budget$ 49,986,674 Proposed Increase$ 1,028,767 % Increase 2.10% Average Increase Over 5 years 1.90%
Curriculum 9 th Grade10 th Grade11 th Grade12 th Grade Biology CPChemistry CP Conceptual Physics Horticulture Environmental Science Biology CPEChemistry CPEPhysics CPEAnatomy & Physiology Crime Scene Investigation Chemistry HBiology HAP Physics B AP Physics C AP Biology AP Chemistry Science
Curriculum Business Application Development and “I” Applications Contemporary Business Technology Art Painting II Drawing II Sculpture II
Special Services Program Development This program will provide clinical and academic support services for students with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Services Counseling: Individual/Group/Family Individualized scheduling Support and consultation for teachers, administrators, parents Benefits Cost-effective alternative to out-of-district placements Provide supports needed to students in their home school Provide support to students not planning to attend college
Technology Server Virtualization/Consolidation Updates to the data center/server room Increase Internet access bandwidth Upgrades to network infrastructure
Capital Projects For , the district is continuing the need to invest in our facilities. $950,000 will be spent on improvements pursuant to our Long Range Facilities Plan. IHHS Roof Recoat $106,000 IHHS HVAC$199,400 RHS Bathroom Upgrades$115,200 RHS HVAC$259,400 RHS Window & Door Replacement$270,000 Total$950,000
Taxes are Decreasing! Additional fund balance generated Partial restoration of State Aid Operational Cost Reductions Increasing Other Revenues
Summary Total Tax Decrease ($56,240) Total Tax Decrease Percentage (.12%) Monthly Impact for an Average Homeowner: Franklin Lakes ($3.18) $ 1,032,343 Oakland ($3.03) $ 408,000 Wyckoff $ 2.37 $ 811,800 HIGH SCHOOLS RAMAPO INDIAN HILLS (Calendar Year Basis)
Your Input Is Valued Monthly Board Meetings Strategic Planning Committee Address for budget questions: