REA D Situational Drills READ Y Movement Drills REAC T Fundamental Save Drills RE- POSITIO N Recovery Drills The 4 R’s - Goalie Fundamentals & Associated Drills
REA D Situational Drills READ Y Movement Drills REAC T Fundamental Save Drills RE- POSITI ON Recovery Drills WEEK1 Out, Over, Full Recovery & Back Three Cone Angle Shooting Berard Four Puck Gloves & Tracking 1 Lateral Cut Phase 1 WEEK 2 Out, Over & Butterfly Slide Back Barrasso Drill Colorado Drill Zone Work with Chest Shot Lateral Cut Phase 2 WEEK 3 Out, On Ice Recovery & Back Monarch Shooting Drill USA Post Load Triggered Cross Body Glove Saves Turco BO Drill WEEK 4 Zone Work with Butterfly Slide Wrap Read The Ranford Butterfly & Full Recovery Taylor Drive Intermediate/Advanced Drills - Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget, U12, U14 &U19
Intermediate/Advanced Drills Pee Wee, Bantam, Midget, U12, U14 &U19 SUGGESTED DRILL Out, Over, Full Recovery & Back Three Cone Angle Shooting Berard Four Puck Gloves & Tracking 1 Lateral Cut Phase 1 FUNDEMENTAL Ready Read React Re-position Suggested Drills
Week 1 Intermediate/Advanced DRILLS
Purpose: To get the goaltender in position to read play and choose proper save selection while maintaining stance, balance and net coverage. T - Push: Side to side explosive movement. Used to quickly cover big and small areas of the crease. This movement allows the goaltender to set feet in position ahead of the play in order to read play and choose proper save selection. Parallel Shuffle: Side to side short distance movement. Used to stay square and on angle to the puck. Minimizes holes in stance while moving with puck carrier. C – Cut: Forward and backward skating. Keeps goaltender square to shooter while moving forwards and backwards. Allows goaltender to take ice and set feet while not opening holes in stance