Will Reconstruction Survive? Move to the side of the room that shows your choice. Have 2 reasons why.


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Presentation transcript:

Will Reconstruction Survive? Move to the side of the room that shows your choice. Have 2 reasons why.

Agenda Will Reconstruction survive? What kept Reconstruction going in the South? Election of 1876 Let’s Compromise Activity Compromise of 1877 Segregation: Plessy Why did Reconstruction fall?

Homework Chat Pass back papers Missing Work 5 week reports Come see me!

Forces Behind Southern Reconstruction Republican control of government Military enforcement in the 5 districts Lack of other focus for the country Repressed Southern leaders

Election of 1876 Candidates – Rutherford B Hayes, Repulican – Samuel J. Tilden, Democrat Violence at polls in the South After election, it appears Tilden won Republicans challenge electoral votes in 4 states

Let’s Compromise Activity Split the class into Democrats and Republicans Decide what you would give up to get presidency Decide what you would want in order to give up presidency

Compromise of 1877 Hayes (R) gets presidency Democrats get federal troops removed from South, funding for internal improvements, and a Democrat on the presidential cabinet

Segregation Definition? Plessy v. Ferguson – Homer Plessy = 7/8 white train passenger – Sits in white train car – Refuses to move – Arrested – Goes to Supreme Court

What does court decide? Court says Plessy needed to move 14 th amendment applies to states, not private businesses “Separate but equal…”