Infrastructure for CO 2 cooling in the CBM experiment at FAIR Wolfgang Niebur and Johann M. Heuser GSI, Darmstadt, Germany for the CBM collaboration 18-Mar-2013Work Package 13 - CO2 Cooling1
18-Mar-2013Work Package 13 - CO2 Cooling2 Cooling method Evaporative CO 2 cooling for the Silicon Tracking System (STS) Integrated 2-Phase Accumulator Controlled Loop
18-Mar-2013Work Package 13 - CO2 Cooling3 CBM Building CBM experiment STS Underground hall: Length: 37 m Width: 22 m Height: 17 m CO 2 plant pipe length ~ 70 m gas storage
18-Mar-2013Work Package 13 - CO2 Cooling4 CBM Building CBM experiment STS Underground hall: Length: 37 m Width: 22 m Height: 17 m CO 2 plant pipe length ~ 70 m gas storage room height: ~ 3.70 m
18-Mar-2013Work Package 13 - CO2 Cooling5 Gas storage
18-Mar-2013Work Package 13 - CO2 Cooling6 Silicon Tracking System Cooling requirement 2.1M r/o channels ~ 17k STS-XYTER ASICs 2080 electronics boards à 20 W in boxes of 10 at top & bottom of STS total power dissipation: 2 × 21 kW = 42 kW