MEDIA TEXT CONTINUED “Selling Images and Values” From Mass Media and Popular Culture
HOW TO PRODUCE ADVERTISING THAT SELLS David Ogilvy (4 th largest ad agency in the world) study the product look at competitor’s ads research information from your consumers and your target audience What promise would be most likely to make them buy your brand?
POSITIONING “what the product does and who it is for” See first three Dove examples at the following link. os/video_gallery.aspx[cp-documentid= ]/ os/video_gallery.aspx[cp-documentid= ]/ who is the target audience, and what does the product do?
MARKETING “The process of promoting and selling a product or service based on decisions about what the product image should be and who is most likely to buy the product or service” (p.72)
BRAND IMAGE giving the product a “personality” i.e. name, packaging, price, style of advertising, the nature of the product itself image of quality cheap and shoddy advertising wears off on the product why might people choose Nike T-shirts over a no-name department store shirt? because of the image one of the most popular brand images from the past – Marlboro an/ an/
WHAT’S THE BIG IDEA? need a big idea to attract the attention of the consumer difficult to recognize sometimes Did it make me gasp when I first saw it? Is it unique? Could it be used for 30 years?
POSITIVELY GOOD many products are no different from their competitors same technology, same consumer research must convince the consumer that this product is superior to the competitor’s consumer feels confident about your product and uncertain about the competitor’s