Eton High School By: Requelme Jadun 1 st Hour
Eton High School Eton High School was founded by Mrs. Margarita Arzac de Panchuk on December 1, This school has 3 different campuses because there were too many students for the original building. The 3 campuses are the Toddler Center, Early Childhood, and the Elementary and Jr & Sr High School in Sante Fe, near Mexico City.
Difference The one major difference that this school has from East Lansing High School is that the Elementary, Middle, and High schools are all in one building This is different from East Lansing, as we have all 3 schools separated into multiple buildings Having all 3 buildings combined would mean that the high school students would have to go to school with younger students, and vise versa.
Pros If you have siblings, it would be a lot easier to pick up all of you guys from the same building When you grow older, you would be in the same school so you pretty much would know where everything always is You would get to see all your old teachers and have a chance to talk to them, which is something that doesn’t usually happen at ELHS
Cons After being in the same building for 12 years, it might get old The school hallways would be crammed with students, and a lot of them would be small and easy to run over if you didn’t see them Never really would get the refreshing, exciting feeling of going somewhere new like we do when we go to new schools You would have to deal with your younger or older siblings a lot because you would see them a ton
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