Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of, or effect of, allusion In basic terms, an allusion is a reference to a work of art (painting, book, myth, character from a book, poem etc.)
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion Demonstrate Understanding No.1 Begin with My dad/mum/sister/best friend/dog is/thinks he is/… Write a sentence on a post-it that uses an allusion Swap it with someone else That someone else must tell you what they think you mean about that person eg if you called them a “casanova” it means they are always chasing girls!
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion That task moves us into Objective 2. Why use allusions Number One? "As the cave's roof collapsed, he was swallowed up in the dust like Jonah, and only his frantic scrabbling behind a wall of rock indicated that there was anyone still alive". The allusion in the sentence above is to Jonah. The reader is expected to recognize the reference to Jonah and the whale, which should evoke an image of being 'swallowed alive'... in this case, behind a wall of dust and rock. Allusions in writing help the reader to visualize what's happening by evoking a mental picture. But the reader must be aware of the allusion and must be familiar with what it alludes to.
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion Objective 2. Why use allusions Number 2? “It’s Catch 22…" This allusion is to a WW2 novel by Joseph Heller. It refers to a kind of vicious circle. To get out of flying a dangerous mission, the pilots are required to prove that they are insane. But simply not wanting to die proves your sanity so no one could ever get out of flying (and dying!) Joseph Helller was writing a novel criticising bureaucracy and controlling governments. So an allusion to this may help someone refer to or raise themes such as these.
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion Objective 2. Why use allusions? So, allusions 1.Help the reader to visualize what's happening by evoking a mental picture and 2.Help a writer refer to or raise themes The subtitle of Frankenstein is “The modern Prometheus…”
These are pictures of Prometheus. Look at his hand… What do you think is happening in these pictures? Why? Come up with a theory and tell the person next to you. Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion This (Gory!) game clip explains! (Up to 2.00) Essentially, Prometheus betrayed God (Zeus) by giving humans fire and it all went horribly wrong for him. How can you link this to Frankenstein?
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion Demonstrate Understanding No.2 Frankenstein is the story of a man (Dr Frankenstein) who creates life. The monster gets out of his control and terrible things happen. With a partner, construct a paragraph that explains why Frankenstein is subtitled, The Modern Prometheus. Allusions 1.Help the reader to visualize what's happening by evoking a mental picture and 2.Help a writer refer to or raise themes
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion In Frankenstein, the writer also makes reference to Dante.
Objectives: 1.To know what an allusion is 2.To evaluate the use of or effect of allusion Allusions 1.Help the reader to visualize what's happening by evoking a mental picture and 2.Help a writer refer to or raise themes Demonstrate Understanding No.3 1.List 10 things that would be in your idea of hell. This can be dark and serious, or more fun eg A world ruled by Simon Cowell. 2.Draw and label yourself in this “Hell” 3.Stick your version on the wall and look at others 4.Return to your notes and write a paragraph about why you think Dante is referred to in Frankenstein when the monster is first revealed…