The Modern Prometheus
Daughter of two distinguished writers, William Godwin and Mary Wollstonecraft Her mother died giving birth to her Left home at 15 to live with friends of her father Met the famous poet Percy Shelley, although Shelley was married the two fell in love and ran off together Her first child died at 3 weeks old She, Shelley, and Lord Byron proposed a contest to write the scariest story Frankenstein was born from this contest Two of her remaining three children fell sick and died before their fifth birthday Shelley and two companions drowned when they were caught in a storm in 1822
The French Revolution and the rise of Industrialism Revolution signaled rejection of the wealthy ruling class and a shift of power to the middle class Industry made workers replaceable and led to horrid working conditions Science and Technology New machines such as the steam engine led to unparalleled production Erasmus Darwin introduced the idea of biological evolution which was carried on by his grandson Scientists conducted several experiments with electricity Arctic Exploration In the late 1700’s travelers began searching for a trade route through the Arctic that would connect the Atlantic and Pacific
Narrative Structure The novel employs a framing structure that encompasses three different narrators The novel also utilizes the epistolary form— where letters tell a story Setting The Swiss Alps and Arctic are the setting for the majority of the novel These locations were favorites of the Romantics for their sublime and awe inspiring examples of nature Gothicism Gothic novels typically feature the sinister and supernatural occurring as the result of human evil or misdeed Gothic novels also express our deepest psychological fears and insecurities
Romanticism Romantic writers concerned themselves with the plight of the underprivileged, the exploration of the imagination, scenes of natural beauty, and the supernatural Doppelganger The idea that a person has a ghostly double haunting them This “dark” side has been referred to as the Id by Sigmund Freud and the “shadow” by Carl Jung
Loneliness and Alienation Does ambition and the quest for knowledge drive us further and further away from society? How does isolation affect Victor and his creation psychologically? Monstrosity and appearance Is the creature the only “monster” in the novel? Is monstrosity defined only by appearance? Why do humans naturally react with fear and loathing to what they perceive to be ugly? Nature vs. Nurture Look for the abundant examples of nurturing relationships that contrast Victor’s treatment of his creature Duty and Responsibility What duties and responsibilities do we have to our family and loved ones?
Justice vs. Injustice Shelley invites her readers to judge which characters are just and which are not Forbidden Knowledge Are there things that humanity was just not meant to know? What unforeseen consequences might we suffer as a result of scientific progress? Science vs. Nature Is science just a man made substitute for the perfect system of nature? Is scientific progress good if it upsets a natural balance? Language The novel is full of various documents all of which attempt to preserve different types of language Three different narrators bring three types of language into the novel