Chapter 15 Causes of the Civil War!
Fugitive Slave Act 1850 Part of the Compromise of 1850 Required Northerners to step up efforts to capture Northerners were outraged Presences of slave catchers in the North People were forced to make a moral decision
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe Made into a play Extremely popular in the North Southerners felt it falsely criticized the South and Slavery
Republican Party Forms 1854 Created after the Kansas-Nebraska Act Whigs Party split between North and South Opposed Slavery 1 st nomination was John C. Fremont American Hero with little political history making him very uncontroversial
Bleeding Kansas 1855 Proslavery and Antislavery people flooded the region. 5,000 proslavery Missourians voted in Kansas Elections Created a Proslavery Legislature Boycotts and Protests Antislavery group sets up a legislature in Lawrence Bushwhackers raid and burn Lawrence to the ground John Brown Pottawatomie Massacre
Dred Scott v. Sandford 1856 Dred Scott was a slave in Missouri Owner took him to Kansas territory and back to Missouri Owner died and Scott sued for his freedom Case went to the Supreme Court Ruled against Scott Labeled slaves as property Northerners were outraged and looked to the Republican Party to halt the growing power of the Slaveholders
Attack on Harpers Ferry 1859 John Brown leads a raid on the U.S. weapons arsenal. Plan to seize the weapons, arm slaves and lead a revolt against white slave owners No slaves join the revolt Brown is captured, tried, and sentenced to death
Lincoln Douglas Debates Blue print of the modern debate Debates across Illinois about the slave issue. The two sides: Stephen A. Douglas- Short stocky man from Illinois. 1. Thought it was the responsibility of the government to prevent the expansion of slavery 2. He believed in Popular Sovereignty
Lincoln Douglas Debates Abraham Lincoln- Tall gawky man from Illinois 1. Believed that slavery was a moral decision 2. Wanted to stop the expansion of slavery Slavery would be protected where it already exists.