Horror is a film genre seeking to elicit a negative emotional reaction from viewers by playing on the audience's primal fears. Inspired by literature from authors like Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, horror films have for more than a century featured scenes that startle the viewer. What is the horror genre?
What is MIS EN SCENE? Mis En Scene is an expression used to describe the design aspects of a theatre or film production, which essentially means "visual theme" or "telling a story"—both in visually artful ways through storyboarding, cinematography and stage design, and in poetically artful ways through direction. Mise-en-scène has been called film criticism's "grand undefined term.
Conventions of locations in horror Most locations of a horror movie are always in a dull and scary place for example a dark castle.
Conventions of props and objects. In horror movies, they use weapons to put fear in to people as they will be in a scary situation. They also use objects such as old furniture to show the atmosphere dull and exiting.
Conventions of costume and make up. In horror movies, you will need to use costumes as they have one of the main things in the film. Costumes are used to show who’s who and what is what also costumes show you how everyone is dressed in the time and place. Make up is used in all films as you can design cuts and scars any where on the body. Make up is also used to show some one in a film if they are rich or poor, depending on how they dress and how they look.
Conventions of lighting You just need to understand light, colour and placement of shadows for that spooky effect that garners goose bumps every time. Filmmaking is fun and horror movies are no exception, it's all about creative expression, letting go and creating the unexpected. The best way to do that is with lighting because unlike walls, furniture and people, production lighting is easily manipulated and doesn't put up a fuss when you want it to be dramatic. With a little experimenting you can get lighting to do whatever you want. Unlike acting where there's a fine line between a great performance and overacting, horror film lighting is always expected to be over-the- top, so let's get started
Conventions of sound and music. Sound and music is used to make horror movies much more scarier as some music brings up tension and goose bumps. Music brings up tension to make you paranoid if something is going to pop out or not. Sound makes everything more scary as certain sounds like rats running around on the floor to show how disgusting the floor is.