Midterm 2 Test on Friday, Feb. 25 th Multiple choice just like the last exam Study chapters 3-8 (up to p 227 in Ch 8) Bring a pink PARSCORE Scantron sheet Make up midterm tomorrow cancelled. New test time TBD. Evening review session tonight from 8:00 – 9:30 in Engineering I Room 1104
Wildlands Program
Today, we will... Review air masses Review atmospheric lifting mechanisms Understand upper atmosphere dynamics of the jet stream and Rossby waves Learn about the formation of mid-latitude cyclones
recall the Aleutian and Icelandic low pressure systems
Key low pressure systems Aleutian LowIcelandic Low
Maritime Tropical (mT) Air Mass Influence on Southeast Precipitation unstable air on the west side of anticyclones combined with warm water of the Gulf stream
Location of Deserts
Atmospheric Lifting Occurs at a Range of Scales
Convergent Lifting think of the ITCZ - air converges from all points to low pressure zones and the displaced air is lofted
Convectional Lifting unequal surface heating produces hotspots where ‘bubbles’ of air will rise - this is convection
Orographic Lifting air cools as it ascends dry air warms as it descends
the moisture in the cloud gets wrung out by condensation
Cherrapunji, India Average annual precipitation: mm (37.5 ft) Record annual precipitation: mm (86.8 ft)