An SJS Craft journey to the Moon
Date leaving- Tuesday May 5 th Leaving time- Around the time of 4:00 P.M. Date of Arrival- Saturday May 9 th Time of Arrival- Around the time of 4:00 P.M. Part of moon we are landing on- North Pole Duration of Journey- About 4 to 5days.
We plan to launch the spacecraft 3 days after the Waxing Gibbous moon begins. It will then take it approximately 4 days to reach the North Pole of the moon. By that time it will be a Full Moon, and the North Pole of the moon would be facing earth. When we land on the moon it would be about 4:00 P.M. that evening (on our side) on Earth. The path of the spacecraft would be curved going half way around the Earth then towards the path of the moon, until both the moon and the spacecraft meets on the Full Moon stage.
We would be using the sextant, to see how far we are from the moon. The sextant would help because it would help us measure the angle in which the spacecraft has to make to get onto course. The time piece to measure how much time passed. This would help because it would help us make sure we are on time. A star chart and star tracker will help us see how far the craft is form the moon and its position with the stars. These would help because we would be able to determine the distance. The Gyroscope to help maintain or measure our position in space this would also measure the angle of the space craft and the moon. We would be doing this all from the base. The satellites would help us by giving us a picture of where the spacecraft is and how it looks. The small camera in front of it would help us too.
We have to use a gyroscope and connect it to a GSN to control the flaps to help us control the spacecraft with solar winds. Also you would need to use a star tracker. This is used with the pictures from the satellites and we can compare the distance of the two objects. Using this tells where we are in relation to other stars, which would allow us to keep track of the spacecraft. The satellites will also help us in this situation, with the pictures they take. All of this we would be using on the base and control it from there.
Navigation Instruments Sextant Star chart Timepiece Satellites Accelerometers Rocket Star tracker Gyroscope
A rocket- A rocket with stability and control functions is the most important. Gyroscope- is a device used for maintaining or measuring our position. Gyroscopes measure the angular velocity of the system in the inertial reference frame. Accelerometers-measure the linear acceleration of the system in the inertial reference frame. This works when the acceleration of the spacecraft decrees as it goes father and farther away from earth because of the gravity pulling it back. Sextant- is a navigational instrument for measuring the angle between objects. Timepiece- A timepiece is a device to measure time. It would measure how much time has pass to see if we are on schedule. Star Chart- To navigate to the moon with star navigation. Star Tracker- is a navigational device which measures the positions of stars. Other satellites- we would use the other satellites to show us images of the spacecraft distance form the moon.