Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct 2006 1 The Adventurers’ Survey Derek Webber Director, Spaceport Associates


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Presentation transcript:

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct The Adventurers’ Survey Derek Webber Director, Spaceport Associates

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Why a new survey of space tourism perceptions? Previous (Futron/Zogby) was 2002 Some new questions, some achievements Survey done via web-site of Incredible Adventures – approx 1,000 responses Note not statistically valid A range of offerings evaluated, including training, sub- orbital, orbital, lunar, hotels, EVA, architectures, pricing

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Architectures for Take-off Vertical –“Like a standard rocket launch, and was used historically by all US astronauts starting with Mercury and Apollo and including Shuttle flyers today” Horizontal, Suspended under Mother Craft –“Used historically by early flyers like Chuck Yeager in the X-1 and more recently by the SpaceShipOne team when they won the X-Prize in 2004” Horizontal in aircraft going all the way to space –“Not yet been demonstrated, but is being developed by Rocketplane in Oklahoma. The aircraft takes off using conventional jet engines, and transitions to rocket engines when it reaches altitude”

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Take-off Architecture-Preferences

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Architectures for Landing Vertical Landing in Water –“Used historically by the early US astronauts from Mercury to Apollo” Vertical Landing on Land –“Used consistently by all Russian spacecraft from Vostok to the present day” Horizontal Landing on Land –“Used by today’s Space Shuttle and also by the SpaceShipOne team”

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Landing Architectures - Preferences

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Spaceports, Space Hotels, EVA’s Spaceports –“ Does the location of a suborbital spaceport matter?” –48% would go anywhere, 31% anywhere in their country, 21% said “best view” Space Hotels –“How important is a stop at a space hotel or space station, or are you happy staying in the spacecraft the whole orbital mission?” –79% said they did not need hotel (note 50% wanted to stay a week or less in orbit). EVA’s –“Would you like….to float freely in space outside the spacecraft?” –88% said yes, and 85% of these would pay up to 20% premium.

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Thank You Executive Summary available (free) on web-site home page. Full Report of Survey will be available for sale, via the web-site, during November. Thanks to Jane Reifert of Incredible Adventures for access to her client base.

Spaceport Associates COMSTAC LOSWG 24th Oct Derek Webber Spaceport Associates 5909 Rolston Road Bethesda, MD Tel: (301)