By: Frank Cottrell Boyce
I would recommend this book for the people that love space. I would say this is an easy book.
characters Hassan, Florida, Samson two, Dads are: Liam, Samson one, Mr. Xanudu,(Hassan’s dad) and Max’s dad Mr. Martinet.
author Frank Cottrell Boyce
Summery Liam is really tall. Everybody thinks He’s a grown up because he is so tall. His daughter is Florida (Fake) He loves world of war craft and Florida doesn’t have a dad and loves celebrity’s. They both love roller coasters.
Middle-ish Liam enters a contest and something happens to him when he does? He goes onto the moon and gets stuck
Problem They almost die when they go on the rocket and they can’t control the moon That’s what they think
Genre I think it’s science fiction because It's talking about space and ships
Ending They finally get home in time for his parents not to notice and still think he’s going on a hike
The End I hope you enjoyed the show