Research and Exploration. A robotic or human occupied vehicle used to explore space and celestial objects There different types of spacecraft that serve.


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Presentation transcript:

Research and Exploration

A robotic or human occupied vehicle used to explore space and celestial objects There different types of spacecraft that serve different purposes: SHUTTLE: for short term missions INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION: a research laboratory LAND ROVERS: delivers cargo to the Moon or a planet SATELLITES: deliver cargo for orbiting Earth

It takes an enormous amount of energy to launch a spacecraft Rocket boosters must have enough thrust to launch the spacecraft Most of a spacecraft’s fuel is used up during the launch Gases escaping from the rear of the rocket boosters propel it into space The pull of Earth’s gravity and the forward motion of a spacecraft keeps it in orbit

Eleven Apollo missions sent human to the Moon and six of them were moon landings Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the Moon Apollo 13’s mission was aborted due to an oxygen tank explosion Apollo 15’s mission saw astronauts spend long periods on the Moon’s surface Eugene Cernan was the last person to walk on the Moon.

Space travel is limited to low Earth orbit missions because: BASIC NEEDS: air, water, food, waste removal EMOTIONAL/MENTAL WELL-BEING: home sickness, claustrophobia PHYSICAL WELL-BEING: weakened bones BOREDOM

There is gravity in orbit Weightlessness occurs because orbiting objects are constantly falling towards Earth Astronauts feel weightless because the spacecraft and their bodies are falling at the same rate Appear to be “floating”

DIZZINESS PUFFY FACE AND LEGS: fluid collect in the upper part of their bodies DEHYDRATION HEADACHES BONE AND MUSCLE LOSS: they lose 2% of bone mass for every month spent in space BACK PAIN: elongation of the spine due to non compression

RADIATION: exposure to harmful radiation from the Sun EQUIPMENT FAILURE: Environmental Systems provides breathable air Computers control the spacecraft Loss of Communication means the craft cannot operate without guidance ILLNESS: in constant communication with doctors SPACE JUNK: wreckage from artificial objects orbiting the Earth

Oxygen comes from the electrolysis of water Water must be recycled: Condensing water from humidity Reclaiming and recycling wash water and urine Food is rehydrated and heated in microwave ovens Sleeping is done in sleeping bags attached to the wall or floor Astronauts use rinseless shampoos, and baby wipes to clean themselves

SPACE TECHNOLOGY SPINOFF: technologies originally designed for space exploration that have made their way into everyday use